Homophobes and Gents Clubs

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Thick cigarette smoke enveloped the two of them as they trotted into the gents club. "I wish I was hot and confident like BoJo..." thought Dom as Boris strode towards the bar ordered some wine and two menus. Dom shuffled nervously towards the table and removed his beanie. Boris slowly removed his waistcoat spending at least 5 seconds on each one. Dom attempted to watch him do this surreptitiously but he wasn't very good at looking over a menu secretly. Bojo caught on and gave a light hearted chuckle towards the sky and then as his eyes met Dom's once again gave a cute and flirty smirk. Dom finally decided on getting the Chicken Caesar salad and maybe a apple crumble after...

         A waiter walked towards the duo and as Dom began to order, but Boris interjected and smirked as he said we'll share the Spag Bol for two. However he said it in such a way that one would pronounce it Spahhg Bouel in order to replicate how Boris talked.

As nervous as Dom was, he didn't want to discourage Boris' flirtatious behaviour. So he began to ask some light hearted questions. Dom learnt that Boris loved painting model buses. Or, as Boris put it, " I like to errr paint erm model uhh buses."

As Boris began to talk about business again, the food came and the homophobic tories nearby gave Dom a glance that said, where is your food? No way are two men sharing that. Boris told Dom not to worry and that he'd bribe them before they left. Dom picked up a piece of pasta with his fork and put it in his mouth. Meanwhile, a smattering of red pigmentation was spreading across his face like watercolours across a blank canvas. Dom looked away for a second, still chewing this rather long piece, he turned back to see that him and Boris were indeed munching on the same strand!  Dom went cherry red but continued letting his lips move closer and closer towards Boris'. As they kissed Boris let out a little gasp.  A few seconds passed and Dom looked scared and tucked his chair in and got up. BoJo implored him not to go, then realised his efforts were futile. Boris looked at his feet as Dom ran back past those 42 Pret a Manger's.
Boris began to cry in the now empty gents club. Boris reached for a napkin, only to find Dom's Beanie. BoJo sniffled and sniffed it. He began to cry into it, wet droplets trickling down his face and onto the soft mesh of the beanie.

Dom in the midst of all the tension, left his precious beanie on the table...

Dom in the midst of all the tension, left his precious beanie on the table

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Dominic in his favourite beanie ever.

What will BoJo do with Dom's precious beanie? Find out soon!

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