Circus Kid

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A/N: I am a circus kid, I didn't grow up in the circus but I have been training since I was 9, and here are some quick moments of Dick Grayson being a Circus Kid. Most, if not all, of these will be based on things I have done or seen other circus kids do. the backstory will be at the top of each story in bold italics.

I don't think I did a disclaimer on my other chapters and I am too lazy to add them all in after they're already published, so disclaimer, I don't own anything.




This first one is based off what my brother did when we first started learning how to juggle, hence the reason our house rules include no juggling in the kitchen and no juggling kitchenware.

There was a loud crash from the kitchen and Bruce immediately panicked and went running towards the sound, thinking his newly adopted 9-year-old son had injured himself. He burst into the kitchen only to find that the source of the noise had been several large Tupperware containers were laying on the ground and Dick was standing in the middle of the kitchen looking at the Tupperware with a confused look on his face.

"Dick, what happened? Are you alright?" Bruce asked, leaning over to pick up one of the fallen Tupperware containers.

"I wanted to juggle and they looked like the closest thing to juggling balls that weren't made of glass."

Bruce chuckled and picked up the rest of the fallen Tupperware, "Why don't we go out and buy you some real juggling balls so you don't have to use Alfred's Tupperware."

Dicks face lit up, like one of those fancy display case's, and he was smiling up at Bruce. "Really?!?!?!?"

"Sure Chum."


This is based on what happened when we were learning unicycle at school and my partner started doing acrobatics while I was on the unicycle, our guest instructor was a little annoyed. Also, Z if you're reading this, I hope you like it and thanks for being a great friend, being super awesome and respecting and defending my pronouns, which means a lot to me.

Also Looking at you Jay, Taquito, Cal and Z, not that it's a bad thing, but this was based on you guys, and yes, this is actually what Z was doing while I was on the unicycle and I think she was doing a pretty good handstand. you guys are all amazing people and I'm so happy you're a part of my life.

"Robin! What are we supposed to be doing?" Black Canary called at the Boy wonder when she noticed that he was doing a handstand walk around the middle of the training room.

"We're supposed to be trying out the new equipment, But it's Wally's turn right now," Robin called back, coming out of his handstand by doing a cartwheel. He was actually correct. They were supposed to be trying out the new equipment, but there was only enough for half of the team to use the equipment at the moment, so they were supposed to be paired up and helping their partner when it wasn't their turn.

Black Canary pinched her nose. Honestly, at this point it was hardly worth it, what with the amount of times she had had to tell Robin to focus on training instead of doing whatever circus thing he was trying or talking to Wally about whatever thing they were planning. "And you are supposed to be helping him, not goofing off."

Rob walked over to Wally where he was attempting to use the new object and put his hands on his hips in a casual way and proceeded to talk to Wally about whatever they happened to think about. Dinah just decided to leave it alone for now.


THIS ONE is based off our Friday afternoon at school one week. We're all crazy. yes this is actually based off the obstacle course we made at school in the carpeted area. yes we made everyone chug a water bottle for 15 seconds.

To say that Alfred was going to have a heart attack when he got back would be an understatement, if he weren't practically immortal.

Dick had gone full out circus kid and turned the Manor into an obstacle course extravaganza. He was very proud of it.

You started standing on the coffee table near the top of the stairs, the plant that was previously there had been moved so it didn't get broken. Then you jumped and grabbed hold of the chandelier, trying to swing enough to make it to the other side of the enormous rug, he said it was Lava,  and land in the living room. Once in the living room you crawled under the long tunnel made from chairs and couches that had been knocked over so they made a triangle shaped tunnel. then you had to stomach crawl/slither over the long coffee table and then frog jump over the pots and pans until you made it to the kitchen where you had to chug water for 15 seconds.

Now your probably going to say this isn't all that circus-ey, every kid tries to make an abstacle course at some point in their lives and this kids just a little bit extra with the chandlier, but I kidd you not, this obstacle course was a circus in and of itself.

Just ask Bruce and Wally.


and Our Final One for this chapter (Comment if you want a pt. 2) is based off some of our down time. 90%  of this is me being the person walking in and my circus family being circus kids doing weird things.

When Kalder entered the cave he found Robin laying on his side on the floor doing something on his holo-glove. Which isn't unussual way to do things, at some point or another everyone lies on the floor leaning on their elbow to keep them propped up and watching something on an electronic.

Kalder passed it off as one of the many unusual land customs. However when he entered the room 5 minutes later he saw Robin laying on the floor the same way, except the top leg was pulled all the way over his head, like that stretch that dancers do sometimes. He was incredibly confused, but kept it to himself. he knew the boy was flexible.

Artemis and Zatana entered the cave to find Robin sitting at the island in the kitchen, however he was sitting on one knee and his other leg was bent at a 90 degree angle with his leg, from knee to foot, resting on the counter. He also had his arms reaching over the counter to grab a cookie.

The two teens breifly paused their conversation to share a look. The position looked incredibly uncomfortable and almost like the one Artemis had seen on a yoga add that had interrupted her youtube video the other day.

M'gann and Conner had found him doing the middle spilts on the couch while he was watching TV in the common room the other day. they'd had an entire conversation via mindlink about what he was doing. (Quick FYI, this is set in season 1, when they were still had a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP. If you ship them for season 1 that's fine, I liked them in season 1, but phycological abuse is no joking matter, and in season 2 their entire relationship is based on psychological abuse and manipulation, so I no longer ship them because Conner doesn't deserve that type of trauma.)

Wally wasn't even fazed when he saw his best friend subconciously doing some weird circus stretch while just relaxing.

Eventually there was some group discussion about it that had ended in Wally and Artemis arguing because Wally hadn't stopped laughing the whole time. but they eventually grew to accept that their little bird was just like that.


A/N: I'm putting this at the end of the Chapter but Funny Story Time from a circus Kid that loves the Batfamily.

Actually, let me know in the comments if you want me to do an AU based off my life at circus school, cause if I get enough demand for it I will write it. (Enough demand would be like 2 people and enough will and free time to actually write it)

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