Team Up and Take Down, After Will You Take Me Out?

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A/N: Welcome Back my Wonderful Readers. First of all, THANK YOU FOR 5.18K READS!!!!!!!! I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD GET THAT FAR!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!

And You're comments seriously give me life. I love reading your comments.

Bit of backstory here, Dick And Wally Don't know each other's secret identities and Robin and Kid Flash worked together and hung out as kids during justice league meetings, but they never revealed their secret identities to each other. A cute new redhead moves to Bludhaven and takes a job as a Forensic Scientist at Bludhaven PD. What will happen?

Now without Further A due...On To The Story!!!!


To say Dick was bored was the understatement of the century, he was finishing up some paperwork at Bludhaven PD before heading out for the night. The only thing keeping him going as he watched the clock tick was that he had a new lead on a case he was working on as Nightwing and the plan he was already formulating to take down this asshole of a drug lord was going to be quite the spectacle. He could see why Jason loved taking down drug lords as Red Hood so much. The kill8ng he didn't understand, but the taking down drug lords he definitely understood.

If you're wondering why he was taking down the drug lord as Nightwing and not as a police officer the answer was simple. He didn't work in narcotics and taking this guy down as Nightwing was much faster than trying to send the entire file to the narcotics division.

And police officers were lazy and corrupt as hell. Work8ng as one just got him acess to more resources when he'd decided to go solo cause he WAS NOT on good terms with Bruce at that point in time.

"Officer Grayson?" a slightly confused voice asked, causing Dick to look up from the police report he was filling out. The person who called his name was standing awkwardly at the front of the bullpen and holding what appeared to be an evidence box. The man looked to be about the same age as Dick, maybe a few years older, with a mop of bright red hair, pale skin and freckles. In Dick Grayson's honest opinion, the guy was cute. The man looked around awkwardly and Dick waved him over.

"Hi! Um, Officer Grayson, right? I have the forensics for that case you just finished and I thought I'd drop them off. I don't actually know what I'm supposed to do with them cause It's my second day at work, so I thought I'd just set drop them off with you..." The redhead spoke really fast and Dick couldn't help the little chuckle that escaped him. He reminded him a little of Kid Flash. The new guy blushed a bit and set the box down on Dicks desk, balancing it precariously with his hip.

"I'll just leave these here then since-" Dick held up his hand with a friendly smile and stood up.

"Why don't I show you where they go?"

The redhead agreed and they idly chatted as Dick showed him where the evidence lock-up was. Trust Bludhaven PD not ro show the new guy the procedure for actually closing cases.

As they were leaving Dick checked his watch and realized he had to leave but before he did he glanced at the redhead and smiled.

"I didn't actually get your name by the way."

"Oh! Wally, Wally West..." Dick smiled. Wally was a cute name. Before he could turn to leave, though, Wally said his name again. Dick noticed that the redhead actually looked slightly nervous. "Hey Dick, would you, um, would you like to get coffee sometime? With me? or if you don't like coffee we could go get tea, or, like, maybe hot chocolate or something...I'm rambling again, darn it."

"That's ok, It's actually kinda cute." Dick smiled at Wally, "And It's fine, I like coffee. Although, don't tell my brother, but Hot Chocolate is definitely better."

"I know, right?!?!"

Dick was still smiling as he grabbed his notebook and scribbled down his number, "I have some stuff to do tonight, but why don't you text me later?"

"Ok, cool." Wally smiled even wider as he took the paper, and Dick noticed how cute his dimples were, "It's a date."


Later that night Dick was wearing his Nightwing uniform and was perched on the building across from where his target was. They were unloading the newest shipmeny of drugs and he was just about to flip down there when a familliar bursting streak of light caught his attention- and the attention of the drug runners.

"KF?" He asked startled. He pulled up his hologlove and hacked into Kid Flash's  comm frequency. "Dude, are you in Bludhaven?"

"Huh? Yeah, why?"

The drug runners started moving their operation along quicker and Dick cussed.

"What's going on man?" KF asked over the comm.

"I was on a drug bust and you just completely ran through the middle of the opp and now they're rushing. Gimme a sec, I gotta deal with this."

After a series of satisfying flips, hits and spectacular knock outs, Dick tied up all the guys and called in a tip to the police.

"You still there?" He asked KF when he finished up.


"Dude why the Hell are you in Bludhaven?"

"I just got moved here for my civilian job and I figured I'd see the city as KF." The man on the other end of the comms defended.

"Dude, warn a guy next time, yeah?"

"Yeah. Wanna hang out some time? Catch up?"


"Great! It's a date!"

Dick recognised that voice saying that phrase.


A/n: Sorry for taking so long to update, hope you enjoyed this chapter Remember to Comment and vote.

I'm serious. Comment. I wanna know what you guys wanna see here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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