You All Have Your Own Rooms!

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WELCOME BACK EVERYONE! I'll be updating every Saturday, maybe I'll update more if I have free time. Enjoy this little bit of Batfam fluff.

EDIT: I felt like I was misrepresenting Cass so I rewrote it a bit. doesn't change the story.


Dick was almost asleep in his room at Wayne Manor, where he was staying due to the fact he was working a case with Bruce.

When he heard a creak coming from his door he bolted upright to see what was happening and became incredibly worried when he saw Damian standing in his doorway.

"Dami? What's wrong?"

Damian came over and sat on the end of the bed. "I had a nightmare Grayson, I was wondering if I could sleep in here."

Dick nodded and sighed, pulling Damian in for cuddles, "Alright."

Damian pulled out of the cuddles and sent a quick batglare at his eldest brother, "You are not to tell any of the others about this, Grayson."

"Of course."

Damian had been asleep for about 10 minutes and Dick was starting to fall asleep again when the eldest brother felt a small weight dip the other side of his bed and something snuggle up to him.

"Tim?" he felt the small figure nod, "You OK?"

Tim shook his head no and snuggled in closer. Dick sighed, "You want to talk about it?"

When another shake of the happened he rolled over and pulled his brother into a hug. "Alright, Why don't you try to go to sleep?"

It took about 30 seconds for Tim to fall asleep. The kid really needed to sleep more, from what Dick could remember this was the first time he'd seen Tim sleep in weeks.

Dick fell asleep about 5 minutes later, only to be woken again by something causing the bed to dip. He groaned and opened his eyes. "You couldn't sleep either, huh Jason?"

"Shut Up, there was a spider in my room and I needed somewhere else to sleep."

"You're not scared of Spiders though," the eldest stated sleepily, "You had a nightmare about dying again, didn't you?"

"Yes, now shut up and go to sleep."  Jason growled back.

Dick hadn't even been asleep 5 minutes when he felt his shoulder being shaken frantically. He groaned and cracked open his eyes. "What's wrong?"

In response he received a quick pause in his shoulder being shaken before it started happening again.

He opened his eyes and looked for who was shaking his shoulder. He saw Cass looking at him, "What's wrong Cass?"

His sister started signing at him, her hands moving quite franticly, "Can't sleep, and I had a bad dream. can I stay here?"

"Of course," Cass cuddled up to her older brother and fell alseep.

I'm not going to get much sleep tonight am I? Dick thought as he looked at his siblings sprawled out on his bed. Cass was snuggled up to him on one side and Tim snuggeled up to him on the other side. Jason had somehow flipped himself so his head was at the foot of the bed and Damian was fast asleep next to Cass.

The eldest sibling sighed and went back to sleep.

In the morning the siblings were awoken by a big crash and a pained groan.

"What the hell replacement?" Jason yelled, standing up off the floor. "You kicked me in the head?"

"It's not my fault, I was asleep!" Tim yelled back.

"tt, you shouldn't have been sleeping with your head at the foot of the bed if you didn't want to get kicked, Todd."

A loud whistle interupted the fighting and everyone looked to Cass, who started signing when she had everyones attention, "stop fighting. It's 5 in the morning."

"What in the world?" the whole group looked to the source of the noise and saw Bruce standing in the doorway, "You guy's know you all have your own rooms, right?"

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