a pj fight

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The wolfies were just running away from the pj masks.

Howler:we will be back pajama kids!as they left.

Catboy:finally we did it!he said so exhausted as they walk back to HQ.

Gekko:yeah that fight took forever because you guys weren't listening to me.

Catboy:yeah right I needed your strength gekko as I was trying to tie up the wolfies!as he looked at him

Owlette:well I could have used my owl wings to surround them but catboy didn't listen and just run up at them as they howled me!as she looked at him.

Gekko:oh really owlette I was calling you thousands to come pick me up as the wolfies were surrounding me and but me in a trash can!as he looked at her than They all started to argue.

Inside the moat octobella and percival were watching the pj masks arguing on her orb.

Octobella:hmm....looks like these pj masks are having alittle arguement......hey percival how about we make there arguement even worst.....as she made a evil smile.

Than took her shapeshift crystal and turn into howler and laughed evily.

*in the daytime*

The pj masks were playing basket against the other team but they were losing.

Connor had the ball in his hands and was going to the hoop.

Greg:connor pass it to me!greg said waving his hand at him.

Connor just kept and going to the hoop till a kid takes the ball out of his hands than he was running to his hoop till amaya took the ball from him and she was at the hoop and she spin the ball with her finger and threw it and another kids jumps and takes the ball away from her and shoots it in his hoop and they won the game.

Connor:oh good job amaya for showing off and losing us the game for us!as the pj masks walk to each other mad.

Amaya:me greg was doing absolutely nothing!

Greg:I was waving my hands at connor but he never listen to me he just wants to prove he is the best.as they began to argue again.

Teacher:WOAH WOAH guys calm down what's wrong?as he seen them fighting and walk to them.

Connor:is these two they can't do anything right!

Greg:what connor ment to say was its him and amaya.

Amaya:incorrect its connor and greg tha are the problem.as they glared at each other.

Teacher:I don't want no arguing here say sorry.as they all scoff.


Amaya:I'm.....sorry to.....


Teacher:there we go.as he left.


The pj masks were walking home.

Connor:sorry I didn't pass the ball greg.

Greg:its ok sorry I was just standing.

Amaya:that's ok sorry I was showing off.

Connor:hope we never fight like that again.

Greg amaya:us to.as they were still walking till they found wet footprints.

Amaya:what the footprints....and there wet?as she touched it.

Greg:it must been the wolfies....PJ MASKS ARE ON THE WAY!!!

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