Fight for Love

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After leaving her note, Y/n slipped from Asuma's apartment and jumped from the rooftops and out of the village. It was a difficult decision but she didn't want to risk the lives of so many all for her happiness. She hated it, but it was for the best that she leaves the man behind. For now. She had every intention of returning to him one day, she just wished it was sooner and in better condition. Life never works out as you expect it to though.

Spring she traveled across the Land of Wind. Ganju had sent her on a list of bounties that would keep her busy for months. Sand. Sand. More sand. The bounties were fairly easy but she was exhausted by the end of it all. Her skin burnt, her hair dry, and her lips cracked from the dry heat. She was thankful it was spring and not summer or even winter that she spent in the desolate location. She prayed she wouldn't return to the Land of Wind for quite some time.

Summer was the Land of Earth. Traveling and bouncing from village to village. Not as many bounties here, but they were more difficult. A few of her bounties had banded together and managed to elude her for weeks. When she finally managed to catch up to them they put up a pretty good fight. One of them could suppress their chakra and hide in the shadows before attacking her from behind. Taking a kunai to the back wasn't ideal, but she was able to take them all down and collect their reward.

Fall was spent in the Land of Lightning. Many nights were spent wrapped in her cloak and standing at the edge of the ocean. The salty air was bitter and cold but she found comfort in it somehow. She was trying to harden her heart but no matter how hard she tried, she still longed for a certain Guardian to be by her side. She hardly knew him, and yet he was all she could think about unless she was in battle. She was hoping the longer she was away, the easier it would be to just walk away. Yes, she promised she'd return, but she couldn't see a positive outcome if she did. Day by day, she came to realize that she would follow through on that promise.

Winter was spent back home, the Land of Water. Most of her time was in Kiri itself even, living with Ganju temporarily. She hated the days she spent in his home, but it came as an order. The worst day came when she went out one night and drank her worries away. It's was the new year, nearing the end of January and approaching one full year since she had left Asuma behind. She entered Ganju's apartment and he had been reviewing reports on his couch. The second he saw the look in her eyes he knew what she wanted. And he was happy to comply.

"Well, well, well," the papers were moved to the coffee table and he sat back, "looks like lily is wanting some attention." His smirk was sexy and her core ached with need. He wasn't what she wanted though. He wasn't who she wanted.

Her flak hit the floor as she kicked out of her shoes. Her hair was pulled free of the ponytail she had as she walked to the bathroom. Shirt thrown across the room while she stood in front of the open door. Shimming out of her shorts, she said, "I'm going to shower." Bindings spun to the floor and panties gone, she walked to the shower, leaving the door open.

Ganju had a direct view of the shower from where he sat so he remained in his seat. She was sexy. She was beautiful. She was smart. She was exquisite in every way and he wanted to keep her all to himself. Such an asset to the Village, he could do no such thing. That didn't stop him from keeping her from running into the arms of that damned Guardian.

The shower turned off and he watched her step from the shower and dry her skin. Wringing her hair from as much water as she could, she dropped the towel and exited the bathroom. With a telling gaze, she sauntered to his bedroom and entered. Ganju hesitated for a moment, knowing she didn't really want this, but in the end, he was unable to stop himself from indulging in her once again.

Giving in to temptation he walked to his door and leaned on the door jam, "You'll regret this in the morning," he commented as he crossed his arms.

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