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I let out a sigh as I made it by the trains. Kids running away from their parents with excitement in their faces. This is my favorite time of year, going back to Hogwarts and seeing who gets placed into what house. It's exciting to say the least.

    My mom finally let go off me after making sure I had everything and kissed my cheek like it would be the last time she would ever see me.

    "Bye Bella, be good now, and take care of your sister!" My mother yelled as I made it onto the trains. I smiled as I turned back to her.

    "Bye mom, I will be. " I said surely. I made my way down the aisle. The train was filled with joy, kids as old as teens and as young as kids could be, laugh and tell jokes and some shared bits of their summer to their friends. I couldn't help but smile.  I countied walking down until I found a lonely compartment waiting to be fulfilled.

I put my baggage up and started listening to some music, looking out at the window.

"Morning Bella." I heard. I took off my headphones and saw my good friend Maddie who was placed into Ravenclaw. "How was your summer?" She beamed.

Memories of my summer started kicking in. I tend to spend my days reading and going to fun events with my muggle friends, yes I'm a half-blood. I don't see why we get so much hate. We're not that bad.

"It was pretty nice. I spent some time alone reading and attending some concerts." I smiled. As much as I love my time at Hogwarts, being with my friends back home was nice. Less stress and didn't have to constantly watch my back for you know who. But now, sitting in the train, I was snapped back into reality and have to be ready for what happens.

After Cedrics death, everyone was on edge, even if we don't talk about it we know what we are all thinking of. We are just making the most of it.

"How was yours? I see you got a nice tan." I laughed.

"Very well! I spent my time by the beach and I think it paid off." She laughed. Towards my left, I could spot out the golden trio. It's awfully tiring being in the same house as them as they try to take over all the time.

"Hey Ron!" I called out to him as I saw him walking by.

"Hey Bell." He smiled as he took a seat by Maddie. "How are you?"

"Im good. Why aren't you sitting by Hermione and Harry like you always do?" I questioned. It is unusual for anyone to see them separated.

"Stuff happened during the summer, so we're just taking a break. I didn't think this was how my first day of my 5th year was going to go, but oh well." Ron said as he put his head down. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I glanced over to them to hint anything out, but nothing.

"You're more than welcome to be by us." Maddie offered. I gave him a nod to let him know that I agree with her.

"Thanks guys, I'm sorry I ditched you for them." It was true he did, I was hurt for a while because our relationship was finally getting somewhere but we just managed to be friends.

"Its okay Weasley, that's all in the past." I said trying to ease the conversation. 

"Good." He smiled.

The three of us remained talking until we arrived at the beautiful castle. I can't believe I have two more years left in this magical school. I never wanna leave. As much as I love my life back home, I never feel as connected like I didn't belong down in the muggle world.

"Look, the mudblood is here again." Malfoy sneered as he nudged me out of the way.

"Shut it Malfoy." I sneered. It's been four years since Malfoy pulled this on me. You would think he would be over and done with it, huh? Well you're wrong.

"Oh she talks back now." Malfoy laughed. He's right, I always let him get away with whatever he pulled off on me, but not this year. This year I'm going to finally stand my ground.

"Yes she does. And more." I said winking. I left the crowd and found my way to the Gryffindor table, where I met Ron and his brothers.

"Hey guys. Did it start yet?" I said hoping I didn't miss much.

"Its about to." Fred beamed as he wrapped his arm around me. I smiled. I loved the weasley family as if they were my brothers. All but Ron, for him, my love was more passionate but it all changed when he decided we weren't good enough for him.

"Okay. I wonder who we have to mentor this year." I said as I saw kids going up to the sorting hats one by one each with different facial expressions. Some were excited about their house placements, and some were not.

"Me too. I hope they aren't like the kids from last year". George groaned. George was never funed with kids unlike his brother Fred. George just wanted to prank them with every chance he got.

"Katie Davis!" Professor McGonagall yelled. I'd almost forgot that my sister was joining me this year at Hogwarts. I guess the excitement of finally coming back made me forget all about her...

"I hope she gets into Gryffindor." I whispered. "Mom wouldn't be too happy if she landed into dad's footsteps." I said. Before my dad was killed by Voldemorts followers, he was a loyal Slytherin. The pureblood in my dad drove down to my sisters DNA and she grabbed some of his unfortunate traits, making her a pureblood as well. My sister, who is in her 3rd year, finally arrived after years of  long arguments from her to my mother about attending Hogwarts. My mother was mainly afraid of her getting too powerful and ending up like our father.

"Hmmm yes, very stubborn you are." The sorting hat started. " I feel like you would be great as a Slytherin." He thought. I healed my breath. If my mom knew, she would never live this down. "But I can also sense some fire and bravery within you. Yes, very difficult." I could feel Fred holding my hand as comfort.

    "SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat finished. I let out a small gasp. There has to be some kind of mistake. My sisters and I's eyes locked as she walked down to the slytherin table.

    "No." I whispered. "This can't be."

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