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Draco ~*~

Because it was the first day of Defense against the Dark arts, Snape allowed us to find our own seats. I willingly chose the seat by Bella. I want to know more about her, as she is who she doesn't seem to be.

"Lets go work over there." Bella said as she dragged me to the table with Blaise and one hufflepuff girl.

"Hi Malfoy." The hufflepuff girl said. I saw Bella eyes grow with jealousy. I gave her a small smirk as I knew she has feelings for me, she just doesn't want to admit it.

"Hey." I said, not really knowing who I'm talking too. I looked at Blaise to see if he can help me out so I won't look like a total idiot.

"Hey Claire, mind grabbing some extra pencils." Blaise asked.

"um okay." She said as she walked away. Claire looked back at me slowly as she approached Snape.

"Why did you want to work here?" I asked Bella. I honestly wasn't paying attention to a thing Snape was saying as his voice puts me to sleep. Plus, I was too interested in finding out what the hell this girl is keeping.

"Snape said we need a group of four dumbass." She said as she rolled her eyes. Blaise tried not to laugh.

"What are you laughing at Zabini." I said coldly. With that, he automatically stopped.

"He said that the groups we chose now, is our group for the rest of the year. Meaning, this is the group were going to have to study with for the O.W.L.S, or any other group project Snape has for us." Bella continued. I don't know why she wants to work with another Slytherin if she 'hates' us so much. There were some gryffindors in this class as well, and ravenclaws.

"Before you ask why I chose to work with two slytherins, ya'll are the top of this class, and the most bearable. Even that hufflepuff girl, Claire is kinda annoying with the way she drools over Draco." She finished.

I studied her every move, how she got more open with me, and shut Blaise out here and there. When Claire came back, and started talking to me, Bella became quite. Not knowing why, I stopped talking to Claire to hopefully give out the signs to Claire that I don't have that much interest in her. When Bella noticed, she scooted closer to me and smiled more when I talked.

Why is there sudden interest in Bella? Maybe it's her sudden change of how she acts? How tough she became over the years?

Snape cleared his throat before continuing talking.
"I see you all finally moved your lazy arses and chose your table mates for the year. I'm not going easy on any of you. Today you and your group will be starting a project, which is making one of the most powerful potions. Don't do it In class, I don't care when or where you finish it, just get it done." He sneered. Bella twisted her body towards us as soon as Snape finished his lecture.

"Right, who's common room are we doing this in?" She asked. Blaise and I looked at each other shrugging.

"Our common room since it's the closest to this class?" Blaise suggested. Claire's eyes sparkled with his words.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Claire beamed as she looked straight at me. I noticed Bella already packing her things before leaving, clearly uncomfortable with Claire around. 

"Alright, sounds good to me I guess, see you guys after dinner." Bella announced before leaving.

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