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Draco ~*~

It was now my free period, thank Merlin. I don't think I could've stand another class in this sad excuses of a school.
I walked down to my common room, letting myself in after saying the common room password, I spotted Katie Davis peacefully sleeping on the couch.I felt a smile grow on my face.
I put a blanket on her. I promised Bella I would take good care of her, and im sticking with it.

"Hi Draco." Katie said sheepishly. Shit did I wake her up?
"Hey Davis. Did I wake you?" I asked, with a hint of concern.
"No, I just got up on my own." She said truthfully. She looks like she's been sleeping all day. The messy dirty blonde hair gives it all away.

"Have you been sleeping all day, Davis?" I asked with my arms crossed. I was now by the edge of the couch about to take a seat next to Katie.

"Maybe. What's it to you?" She replied. She sat up and put the blanket over herself. "Anyways, no one talks to me in my classes, so it's not like their going to notice my disappearances." She shrugged.
This reminds me of my first year. After my failed attempt of making friends with Potter, I started bullying people out of spite. I do sometimes regretted how I made my appearance since I don't really have any true friends like Bella, just some fucking posse.

"You still have to go." I said sharply. I'm not letting her turn into something she will regret. "I don't care if anyone talks to you or not, that is not an excuse." I finished.

"You do the same. Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do, if you do the worst shit possible." She scolded. With that, she went up to the girls dormitories. I rolled my eyes at her comment and went on with my assignments.

Its now been a good hour or so, so I decided to give myself a break. I packed up my things from the couch and threw them messily on my bed, not really caring how it looks.
After, I made my way to the Great hall where I met Bella. It's almost time to my next class which happens to be D.A.D.A., but I managed to catch a few small talks with Bella beforehand.

"Hey Draco." Bella waved. The sound of my name out her mouth made my stomach twist. My checks flustered with hotness as my hands started to turn sweaty. Why is this happing? Why this sudden feeling inside of me I'm getting? Stop it. Stop feeling like this. Like father used to tell you when you were litter ; love is for the weak. Don't be weak.
I managed to shake off the feelings I got and made my way up to her. I put on a cold face to hide my true feelings.

"What is it Bella." I sneered. Hoping she doesn't notice that my checks were still bright pink.

"Just wanted an update of my sister before I head over to my Defense against the dark arts class" She said simply.

"Not so well. She skipped the whole day, because kids won't talk to her or something." I said. Bella's face turned cold, she looks like she shrieked a bit with the comment I made. She now has a worrier look on her face, like she predicted this to happen. I was now confused. Why does she care so much if people talks to her sister or not.

"I um- I gotta go. What's ur common room password again?" She said shakily.

"Why do you need my common room password?" I asked confused.

"To talk to my sister, you idiot." She said sharply. I never saw her like this.

"Okay, okay. It's mudblood." I said as she ran off into the hallways. I followed her quietly to see what the fuss is all about.

I put my ear by the door of the common room hoping I can make sounds of the conversation.

"How was your day." Bella started off slowly. The room went quite for a while.

"Good, and yours? Katie lied. I can hear the annoyance from Bella.

"I know your lying." Bella said sternly. "Did you let anyone find out? Or.." she trailed off.

"Oh my Merlin, shut up already. I know you went to Draco and asked. No, no one knows yet, so can you please stop worrying? People just don't like me I guess." Katie simply said.
Know what? What are they hiding? I'm so confused.

"Okay, I swear if people know about us, more than they should, I'm taking you on the next train and never bringing you back. Ever." Bella said madly. I heard her walking towards the door so I bolted into the nearest hallway. I'm now curious into what the Davis are hiding.

By now, free period has ended so I was off to Charms. I made sure I sat right next to Bella as she has the same class. My interest in her has been taken highly.

"Hey Bella. How's your dad? I heard about his tragic death two years ago. How you holding up?" I asked simply. I always wanted to ask her about her dad, but never got around to.
I saw her checks go bright red, and her face pale as snow, like she seen a gosht.

"Um- I'm doing- we're doing fine." She stuttered. "Why do you ask?" She asked nervously as she played with her hands.

"I just never got around to it. I wanted to give you my condolences, that's all." I shrugged. I wanted to ask more about it, like why she started acting the way she is when someone mentions her father or anything about her family.

"Oh well um, we're doing fine. Thanks Malfoy." She said as she put her head down out of embarrassment. It was almost like she hated being related to her father. The mention of him made her skin sprung up, and her jaw clench. Her words became shaky through out the class. I didn't know how to feel of Bella's reaction to my question. But I knew her father was no good since him and my father, Lucius were dear friends. Maybe that's why Bella keeps making sure Katie never tells about her father? It still doesn't make any sense. The curiosity of this, is making my head spin.

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