Protection (3)

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As Draco and I walked into transfiguration together, I felt all eyes on us. We quickly came to realize why we were the center of attention and parted paths.  Draco found a seat at the back of the class, like usual and I found a seat next to Ron and Neville.

"Hey Ron, did Callie get to flying okay?" I asked. He gave me a small nod. I turned my direction to sweet Neville. I grinned.

"Hey Neville, I missed you, how was your summer?" I asked him as we shared a small hug. He returned the same smile.

"It was good!" He said. He didn't speak much of what he did over his holiday so I decided not to talk much. Neville wasn't very much of a talker anyways.
After a couple of small talks amongst my table group, Professor McGonagall walked in. I smiled. McGonagall was my favorite professor.

"Alright class, settle down. Today we are going to turn this animal into an object. So we can either turn it in a glass, or a book, whatever you would like." As she did the spell, the rat that was on her desk turned into a beautiful glass cup. The class was in awe. I turned my direction towards Malfoy who had his feet up the table crisscross like he didn't care at all. When he saw me looking, he made direct eye contact but his eyes were cold as stone. I could feel my body shiver so I turned away.

"Ah yes, Ms.Davis why don't you give it a go, yes? She said placing a rat on my desk. I let out a sigh before I started.
"1, 2,3, Vera Verto." I said. Then within seconds, the rat formed into a goblet...yet it wasn't all transformed. The tail was still there and the fur of the animal was showing. I gaged at the sight as the class filled with laughter. I noticed my checks turning red from embarrassment. I started sinking down to my seat.

"It's okay, we all mess up on our first try" Neville said as he smiled at me. I can always rely on Neville to give me that sense of comfort when shit goes bad. Yet I know he was trying not to laugh.

"Thanks Neville." I said shyly as I brought myself back up. Throughout the rest of the class, we kept trying to make this stupid rat into a goblet that Professor McGonagall perfectly displayed at the beginning of the class. Yet, no matter how hard I tried, it never worked.
Fortunately for Neville, he got it in his fourth try and was doing whatever he could to help me out. Behind me, I could hear Malfoy laughing at my failure as if it was amusement for him.

"Hey Davis, do you want some actual help? Looks like your boyfriend over here isn't that great of a teacher." Malfoy said as he almost fell backwards from his chair from laughing.

"Shut up Malfoy." I sneered as I felt my cheeks flush with anger. I hated how he thinks he's better than anyone else, I hated that he thinks because of his parents, he can control anyone or do anything he pleases. One day, he's going to be put into his place and I will be there to watch him crumble. Yet, as much as that boy annoys me, I can't get the image out of my head of how he looked in that black suit that he wore on the first day of school.

I shook my head of the thought and resumed working. Soon, an hour went by and class was over. I sighed in relief as I still couldn't turn the damn rat into a goblet. I packed up my things and waited for Ron and Neville by the door.

"Hi Davis." Malfoy sneered as he walked up to the door. " My offer still stands." He said as he winked at me, as he walked away. I didn't say anything in return, I just gave a slit nod and impatiently waited.

"What did Malfoy want?" Ron asked as he looked past me.

"Nothing really." I said as I scratched the back of my neck. "C'mon, we have charms next." I said doing whatever I can to leave. I grabbed both Rons and Nevilles hand and lead them out the door.

"Slow down Bella." Neville groaned as he stumbled a little. I forgot that I was running with both of them on me. I stopped my tracks and released them from my grip.

"Sorry about that." I said awkwardly. I scanned the room for Callie just to see if she was doing alright.

"If you are looking for Callie, she's fine, she just made it to her next class." Ron explained as if he could read my mind. I gave him a small smile in return.

An awkward silence was brought upon us. "So uh, what class do you guys have next? I have charms." I said shyly.

"Defense against the dark arts...with Snape. Brutal that one I tell ya." Ron said shyly. I almost felt bad for him. Snape ins't the friendlies of the bunch.

"I bet." I said as I turned to Neville. "How about you?" I asked as he tried to rushly pull out his schedule.

"Care for Magical Creatures with..Hagrid." Neville exclaimed happily.

"Brilliant!" I said as I remember I have that after Charms. "Tell me all about it during free period, I have that later on in the day." I grinned. " I better go". I said as I checked the time.

As I waved them off, I rushed down the halls, almost once again, body slamming right into draco. Why can't I just look where I am going? I thought as he turned around to face me.

"Don't tell me I have charms with you too." He groaned as he rolled his eyes. I didn't how to feel about that comment. We've never had a bad moment as we've never talked to one another, so why was he so annoyed?

Then I remember. Back then, when we were kids. I heard his dad, Lucius whisper to him, " She's a mudblood, all mudbloods are nothing to us son." Within seconds, the playful kid I once knew, turn cold with hate towards me and many others with the same blood status. From moments forward I remained quite towards him, hoping with less interaction nothing will happen. I see that now, all his actions were his fathers and not him.

"Yes we do pretty boy, now come on." I said as I dragged him to charms.

Once we made it to charms, surprisingly Draco chose to sit next to me. I smiled when he wasn't looking. I didn't even notice Professor Flitwick was standing by his desk because he's so short.

As he began to explain the lesson for today, I noticed Hermione in the front. I didn't know she toke charms, but why am I surprised? That girl would take every class if she could.

"Today, class, we will learn how to successfully levitate this feather up from our desk. With the correct wand movements and pronunciation, you should be able to fulfil the requirements. Good luck everyone!" Professor Flitwick announced. With that, the whole class gave it a go.

" I bet you 10 gallons I can do it in one try." Draco hissed. I laughed. I missed how competitive he was with me.

"Go on with it then." I said chuckling.

"Wingardium Leviosa" Draco said as he moved his wand. With his defate, his feather didn't move a bit. I laughed at him as he kept trying.

"Lets see you do it then Davis. And stop laughing at me, will ya?" He said annoyed.

"Okay, but if i get this right, I demand my 10 gallons." I said fiercely. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah get on with it." He said as he slapped my shoulder.

"Wingardium Leviosa" I said. Then, in moments notice my feather rose from my desk up to the air. The whole class got silent as they watched. Professor Flitwick's eyes grew with amazement as he took notice onto what was happening.

"Very nicely done Davis!" Flitwick said. "With that, class is dismissed." He said. Everyone started to gather there things and walked out.

" You owe me my 10 gallons now." I said to Draco winking as I walked out feeling proud of myself.

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