Information and Bio

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A/N: This is my first book, I am writing, critisism is appreciated, english is also not my first language. We will also mostly have yakuza 0's Majima.

You're basicly a younger Majima from yakuza 

Name: (y/n) (l/n)

Looks: you wear a eyepatch you got when you were a kid and for the rest is your choice. You have a Hannya tattoo on your back, you don't remember when you got it though...

 You have a Hannya tattoo on your back, you don't remember when you got it though

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Age: 16

Personality: at first glance, you seem calm, collected, helpful and serious, but after people get to know you better you seem a little more nicer. But this can all chance at a certain time in this story....

body build: you're really tall, with small muscles, but you're also slim and agile.

Family: Your father owns a successful cabaret club and your mother lives alone. 

Quirk: heat fight styles, you have 4 different styles, but you will still need to unlock the other styles, as the story progesses. 

Style 1: thug style : You have blue glow using this style. This style is a balanced fighting style, it has quite a bit of speed, damage and defense. You can also make use of small or medium sized  This style is also good for abusing  one enemy's weakness. 

Style 2: Slugger style (Still has to be unlocked)   You have a yellow glow using this style and a slugger!  The slugger style  does more damage and you can block easilier, but your attacks are slower and less precise. This style is good for multible enemies and someone who has a ranged quirk or has more endurance.

Style 3: Breaker style (still has to be unlocked)   You have a pink like glow using this style.               Most people don't think it's practical to be breakdancing to beat up your enemies, but you will show them wrong. The breaker Style is a really fast breakdance styled fight style, you can easily dodge a attack and get right back to them, at a cost of reduced attack and low defensive moves. This style is good for overwhelming your enemies and for  defeating a lot of enemies.

Style 4: Mad dog Style (still has to be unlocked)   You have black smoke coming from your body.   this is the most dangerous style yet, you fight with a demonfire dagger, but the most dangerous part is probably the sanity loss you get, you usually let your enemies bleed out when you're done with them. This style is a combination from the previous styles. This style is good for dangerous enemies and multible enemies assisting him. You do a lot of damage, high speeds, a lot of stamina too, but slightly low defense. 

more information: Some people tried to bully you for having a eyepatch and a tattoo, but you quickly beated them up, they just call you a reject yakuza now. 

When you're not in school, you usually work in your father's club for money.

The mad dog of UA. (BNHA x Male Majima Reader)Where stories live. Discover now