One eyed assassin

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                                                               Your pov                    

As you went home, you saw a couple of heroes getting interviewed, but you didn't care and went straight home.

Eventually you stood infront of your father's club, The grand.

Eventually you stood infront of your father's club, The grand

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It was a little crowded, but you didn't mind. Then you went into your room, a small room what was once a staffroom. 

You changed into your usual clothing and went to the roof to smoke a cigarette, when you were enjoying the view you saw a little crowd near the Grand, but you probably thought it had to do something with the heroes that were interviewed.

After you were done smoking your cigarette you went back inside and decided to check on the staff. 

              small time skip

              no pov

when Y/N enters the new staffroom he encountered a couple of female staff members talking about all might being here.

random girl: ''I can't believe All might is here! ''

another random girl: '' I wished I could get his autograph. ''

Y/N: '' hello, girls what is the ruckus about? ''

the girls giggled, but decided to tell him.

girl 1: '' So All might just showed up near here to give autographs! ''

girl 2: '' But we can't  see him because we are working! ''

Y/N: '' Hmmmm, how about this If I can get you all an autograph, will you work even harder then before? ''                        

the girls all said yes excitedly.

Y/N: ''I will be right back''  

           Another small time skip

          Still your pov 

When you reach the crowd, you saw All might, you thought he was respectable, not the best, but respectable enough.

When you approach the crowd, All might was saying something about meeting one of his best fans privately, it was a  mature girl, probably a little older than you.

as the crowd was slowly decreasing, you wanted to get that autograph, so you decided to hide in a fairly big trashcan, when everyone was gone All might and the girl went into a alley, you decided to follow them. You quietely placed the trashcan into the alley they were in and continued hiding until...

All might: ''young lady, I have something to confess...

the lady: ''what do you mean? ''

you heard some weird noises, but eventually you heard...

all might: I am not really all might!

The woman wanted to scream but was muffled, you then decided to jump out of the trashcan. You saw a middle aged man trying to have his way with a the lady.

Y/N: ''HEY, what are you trying to do!'' you shouted.

The man: '' huh, didn't  all might say you had to go away??! ''

Y/N: '' You're not fooling anyone, asshole. ''

You then proceeded to crack your knuckles and get into thug style.

The man letted go of the woman and got ready to fight. 

the man charged at you, but you dodged swiftly and proceed to launch a combo of punches on him.  The man then fell down but wasen't unconscious, you grabbed his hair and punched him to the ground. 

he screamed in pain, but managed to get back up.

Man: Alright, slim you're gonna get it now!

This time you charged him and punched him in the stomach, but this time he got a good hit on you.   You staggered back, but decided to grab him and push him onto a wall and did a swift but powerful kick to his head.

He was unconscious, the woman already called the police.

woman: ''Th-thank you s-sir.'' she said horrified.

(Y/N): No problem ma'm, you said in a calm tone. 

                        Timeskip to when the police and some heroes arrived.

                                                      Your pov

The police arrested the villain, while the heroes praised (Y/N) for his act of bravery and his skill for handeling him.

Hero 1: '' You could easily become a good hero with the skills and quick thinking! ''

(Y/N): I am honored sir, but I need to go.

You then proceeded to go back to the grand, but was called back by the lady you saved.

lady: '''Uhm, sir... May I have your uh name? '' she said weakly.

(Y/N): '''Call me (Y/N) (l/n) ''

Lady: '' Thank you (l/n) 

                          Timeskip to when you're back at the grand.

                                         no pov

(Y/N) explained everything to them, they were a little shocked at why people would do this and they were glad that he went instead of them.

A/N Well this was the first real chapter, next chapter will probably do something with the entrance exam and training.

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