UA entrance exam

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                                                          Your pov.

10 months have past since you defeated that imposter. In the meanwhile you have trained a lot  and earned a lot of money, you've fought against some thugs too. 

Tommorow was the entrance exam for UA. You were pretty worried, but quite confident too. Your parents were concerned, but also proud. You decided to get some rest.

                                               Timeskip to the Grand.

Luckly for you the grand was open until late into the night, so you didn't have to use the keys to get in. You made your way into your room, you took off your clothes and brushed your teeth.
But before you went to sleep you opened your drawer and grabbed two things.

The first thing you grabbed was a small wooden case, inside was a knife your grandfather used to do his things... It was still in top quality even after all these years.

the second thing was a old photo of your father, mother and you before they divorced. 
Although the divorce went fine, you still missed your mother a lot. 

After you were done feeling sorry for yourself you went to sleep, for the next day would be tiresome. 

                                                      the next day...

You woke up and did your daily things, eventually you were ready do head out to UA.
Until you were stopped by your father.

F/n: '' Well, y/n I wish you the best of luck and I know we haven't talked a lot since the divorce, but I still love you son... ''

You were a little shocked, but glad.

y/n: '' thank you f/n and I will get into UA! ''

You exited the Grand and went into the direction of the entrance exams.
It was a 13 minutes walk, when you arrived you saw that Midoriya guy floating a bit, but you decided not to question it.

                                              Midoriya pov

Midoriya: ''I can't believe I talked to a girl just now! ''

I wanted to go inside but then I noticed y/n walking not far from me.

Midoriya: ''H-hey y/n! ''

Y/n: '' oh hey Midoriya. ''

Midoriya: ''s-so you're applying for ua  too? ''

Y/n: '' I wouldn't be here if I wasn't, but I assume Bakugo is somewhere here too... ''

Midoriya: ''Oh kacchan, yes he is here too. ''

y/n : '' ugh I was hoping he would have given up by now. ''

There was a akward silence between the two...

y/n: '' Oh well, I will be heading inside, good luck Midoriya. ''

                                   Timeskip to when president mic starts talking

                                   Your pov.

He said something about the robots having multible value points and something about a big one made to be avoided, but you didn't pay a lot of attention.

When you were allowed to start you started running around, until you saw a group of robots. You went behind them and ripped off their heads or turned it a 360 degrees.

Y/N: '' It will take more than a few tin cans to stop me! ''

You proceeded to some of the metal of a destroyed robot and swung it around destroying a couple of more robots.  You also helped a few people who were either exhausted or unconscious.  

But after a while you were getting tired, so you hoped the exam was almost over until you heard something big behind you, you looked behind you and saw a giant 0 point robot destroying things, giants were always troublesome for you, so you decided to look around for more people to help. 

You were getting tired to the point you could hardly punch properly, but luckly the exam ended quickly after. You thought you did pretty good and there were many people struggeling to destroy some robots. You were pretty confident in passing.

When you decided to go home you saw a unconscious Midoriya with a messed up arm, you were wondering how in the hell that happened, but some people weren't letting you go through. So you just went home.


                                                   Your pov

When you got at the Grand you were greeted by some staff and later by your father.

F/N: '' Hello, y/n how did the exam go? ''

Y/N: '' It went fine  could be better, but I think I passed. ''

F/N '' Good job y/n ''

You then went into your room and called your mother about the news.

Y/n: ''hello? ''

M/n: '' hello... Y/n... '' 

y/n : '' I uh am calling you, because I wanted to let you know I just did the ua entrance exam. ''

m/n: '' well, that's good... ''

It was a akward conversation, so you decided to say goodbye and hang up.

Timeskip to a couple days after. 

You got a knock on your day by a staff member who has a special letter for you. 
You knew this was the UA letter, so you opened it.

All might: '' I AM HERE, in holographic form! '' 

You were slightly staggered by how loud it was, hoping it wouldn't bother the customers.

All might: ''Hello young l/n, I am proud to say that you have passed both the practical and the written exam! ''

You kinda expected this, but it was still a relieve knowing for sure.

All might: '' But that is not all! I have heard of your heroic act with defeat of the imposter All might! ''

Y/n: '' Oh right, I kinda forgot about that. ''

All might: '' So congrats on being able to join your hero academia! ''

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