The first day

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A/n: Sorry for the lack of updates, but I will probably only update this when I feel like it.

Your pov.

It was my first day in UA,  even though I would have preferred to wear my own clothing, I was forced to wear the UA uniform. 

Y/n: How late is it...

I looked at my watch and saw that I had more than enough time.

Y/n: I guess I could g---

???: Hello Y/n.

Y/n: ..... Sagawa.

I had a love/hate thing with him,  he helped me a lot with my school work and some training, but he also got me into A LOT of trouble.

Sagawa: Live a little, you made it into U.A, not a lot of people can do that.

Y/n: You made me do it.

Sagawa: Whatever you say tiger.

Y/n: Now if you excuse me, I need to go to my new school.

Sagawa: Cold as always Y/n,  I thought you had more than enough time.

Y/n: How do you even know that?

Sagawa: Someone told me, or are you going to take a large detour before going there?

Y/n:.... Goodbye Sagawa.

Sagawa: See you later tiger.

Well, I would have rather had a quieter morning, but I suppose I can't avoid him forever.

On my way to U.A there was a small fight again, I decided to not interfere though, those pro's got it.


I was at the school, I took a sigh before entering.

Y/n: Welp, here goes nothing.

The first couple of minutes I was trying to figure out where I needed to go.

Y/n: It would be nice if they could put some signs here...

???: Hello, do you know where class 1A is?

Y/n: No, but what a coincidence, I'm in that class too.

I looked at him,   he was the same height as me,  he had short black hair and was extremely buff.

???: Oh, should we try to find it together then?

Y/n: Eh sure, what's yer name though?

???: Kiryu Kazuma.

Y/n: Y/n L/n.

Kiryu: Nice to meet you, Y/n, but we should hurry up.

Y/n: Yeah.

Eventually me and Kiryu found 1A.

Y/n: Why the hell do they even have such large doors?

Kiryu: Probably because some people have gigantification quirks.

Y/n: Can't they disable it or something?

Kiryu: Some people can't.

This guy doesn't look the guy who trusts people easily,  the time we spent looking for 1A he hasn't let his guard down, but I could be wrong.

Kiryu: Y/n, do you think this door is heavy?

Y/n: Well the size says yes.

He opened the door easily.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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