Chapter 5

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Mabels POV

Everyone got quiet right then and there. They have never heard me yell before. They new i was bothered my something. Evangeline came over to me. She was so pretty. She deserved to be in school learning to read and then get married and have her own children. But she had to work here and take care of us. "Mabel, are you alright?" She said concerned. I looked at her and then everyone else. "Yes." I said "and I'm sorry i screamed. I just don't like a lot of noise." I said have truthfully. Evangeline sighed and looked at everyone. "Children. You're driving your poor father to distraction." She said as she walked around the room trying to fix up everyone. "Stop it." She told Chrissie and Eric. "Mabel. What's this word?" She asked me. "Lovingly, He took het lovingly by the hand." I told her. Lily and I are teaching her how to read. And i glad i am because she is happy learning to read and write. "What's your book about Evangeline?" Tora asked. "It's about a daughter of a nice man, he remarries after his wife dies and the step mothers horrid." Lily explained. "Why doesn't the man stop her from being horrid?" Asked Evangeline. "Fathers always turn bad once their wives die." Said Simon. "They don't care anymore." "Simon, yours does." "No he doesn't, does he read to Chrissie like her used to? Does he play cricket with us like he used to? He doesn't even sing to Aggy like her anymore! We hardly see him!" Simon said. "He loves you Simon, you know that! He just has an awful lot on his mind since-" evangeline started but Simon cut her off. "Since mother died!" Simon said "You use too be close as anything." Evangeline said. "Not anymore. All he cares about is getting himself a nice new wife." Simon said "i don't know if thats true but maybe it'll be nice having a new mother." Evangeline said. "Dot you know anything about father Evangeline?" Lily started. "Whoever he marries will be vile and treat us like slaves!"" You don't know that." "Plenty of hard evidence. There isn't one story with a step mother thats even half decent. Their an evil race." Eric said putting a fairy tale book down in front if her. "Anyway. Who likes other peoples children?" He asked. "I like you."" Yes but you're a servant. You're paid to like us. That doesn't count." Evangeline looked hurt that he said that. "Eric! That was rude to say!" I said. Evangeline said something as she left but i didn't hear. Sebastian ran after her. "Alright forget the jam. JUST SOME SECRET TOAST!" Is all i heard him say. I looked at Simon. "Simon. You're lucky." I told him. "How? We don't ever see him except for in the mornings or a night." He said. "Well at least you get to see him at all. You actually have a parent alive to love you. Mine are gone and I'll never see them till i die!" I said. He looked down sad but didn't say anything. "Do you want to mess with the cook?" Eric asked all of a sudden. "YES!" Everyone but me cheered. "I don't feel like it today." I said. "But ill watch." I told them. Simon got his wined up mouse and we all went to the kitchen. He winded it up and let it go. I started to laugh at her reaction, but Simon but his hand over my mouth. I looked at him and he looked at me. He had a look in his eyes but i didn't know what it was. Then all of a sudden we heard a loud bang and a thud. Then they all tied her up on the table. I started to fold the socks with Tora. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said and walked out. I heard screaming and yelling. I walked more and saw Mr. Brown and Evangeline fighting like a couple. I smiled a little. 'They'd be cute together.' I thought. Then there was a loud bang at the door. "U-um ill get it." No no you better go downstairs, ill get it." They told each other. "Ill get it!" I said and skipped to the door. I opened it up and saw a horrid looking woman. Ignored her looks and said "hello miss." She looked down. " Hello, I'm Nanny Mcphee." She said to me. I curtsied a little. Mr. Brown came up beside me. She looked at him. " Good evening. Im Nanny Mcphee." She introduced herself to him. "OH! Of course you are." He started, obviously trying to over look her features. I walked away to that bathroom like i said i would and then went to the kitchen. " what took you so long?" Asked Tora. "Someone knocked at the door as i was passing so i opened it for her." I explained. She nodded and went back to folding. Suddenly the woman came in. " oh look! The door is open and there's nobody there" Simon said. Me and Tora stopped and looked at each other. Some of the stuff Eric was making shot in my hair and face. I looked down mad. Ms, Blatherwick started screaming through her gag. Then i heard nanny mcphee talk. "I am here. I am Nanny mcphee." "Oh. Did somebody say something?" Simon asked knowingly. Everyone played along and started being bad again and not listening when she told us to go to bed. "I had an idea. Why don't we stay here in the kitchen all night long!" Simon said she pulled out her stick thingy. I don't know what it's called. I looked at Simon worriedly. He looked at me the same way except a little bit more u sure to believe whats going on. Then i heard a thud from her stick. Everything started going really fast. I started ripping the socks off the line and threw them into Simons pot. "I can't stop!!" "I can't stop!" "We need to stop!" "Then stop!" "We can't" "its her fault!" We started screaming at each other "Alright whoever you are! Lets stop all this and go to bed!" Simon said to nanny mcphee. "Say please." She said "I NEVER SAY PLEASE!" He said. I started to get off the table and walk towards Aggy. "Please!" i screamed.




"Please!!!" Everyone screamed after to me. We all looked at Simon. I grabbed Aggy. "Dont take aggy!" Tora screamed at me. "I cant stop!" "Say it Simon!" I yelled. 'Actually Simon i think its best if you do cause this thing is about to blow!" Eric said. "Aggy is gonna go into the stick pot!" Tora said. "Put her back Mabel!" Simon said "I cant!" I said. "Oh for goodness sake please!" Simon said. "Please nanny mcphee." Nanny mcphee said. "I cant put aggy down!!" I screamed. "Mabel no!"
"Take aggy out!" " SIMON SAY IT OR ELSE YOU WONT HAVE YOUR LITTLE SISTER ANYMORE. SAY IT!!" I screamed at him. He looked at me surprised then at nanny mcphee. "Please nanny mcphee." He said. She banged her stick and everything went quiet.
There it is. Im gonna update later today. I hope you enjoy this story.

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