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So it's my make-up ?” my mom asked.
  Make up? For a minute I was utterly dazed. Jane just let my tiny secret out, I thought we'd settle this, I'll do her assignments, she gets my lunchbox and keep her mouth shut, besides it was a one time thing, or maybe more. I guess I pretty much excelled at upsetting little Jezebel, maybe a little too much though.
    I started applying my mom's Make up long ago, I'd apply it, stare myself in the mirror, like a drag queen, I was really good at it, some times the same Jane would ask me to make her up too, to which I'd bluntly refuse, telling her she's too young, that was when her own blackmail started.
   ‘You think Mommy won't notice her make up reduce.’
   “She won't it just little I apply”
   ‘Yet she complained yesterday.’
   ‘Serious? What did she say?’ I asked
   ‘She said the lip stick was broken and she kept insisting it was i.’
    “Its a lie. You just want to make me stop.”
    ‘I'm serious o. Next time she complains I'll tell her it's you’ Jane warned.
    “Please na, I'll do your assignment for you.”
    ‘No, Except you buy me popcorn every day in school.’
    “Ahh, I don't have money o, okay what if i share some of my break food with you, agreed?” I asked knowing fully well how much of a Foodie she was, she wouldn't resist. And she didn't.
    “All, including your Egg or Plantains o” she added
    ‘No problem.’ I agreed.
    “You have to sign o, I don't trust you.”
    ‘Signnn? ’ I asked surprised.
    “Yes na.” she said as he pulled a paper from one of her notes, scribbled some rubbish on it which read
'I agree to give my break food to Jane Danladi and do her assignments henceforth' on it and handed me the pen to sign.
     “This is serious” I murmured as I signed it.
     ‘Spit on it’ She instructed
     ‘Eh???’  It shocked you too?
     ‘Spit on the paper na, it's a sign of trust’
    Was my sister some sort of a witch or what? It didn't just sound disgusting but also disturbing but I had no choice, I needed her mouth shut. So, I spat on the paper, she grabbed it by it edges avoiding contact with the soaked area, and spat on it
    “Godddd! You're disgusting.” I said disgusted.
    “Now I can trust you.”
    “You're strange, who taught you this rubbish?”
    ‘We do it in school.’
    ‘God forbid!’
  So that's how I lost almost all my lunch in school days, most of the times I didn't give it willingly. Sometimes, I'd hide during break time so she won't find me and eat my meal and come up with excuses like.
   “So you came to carry my food without telling me ”
   ‘Which Food?, I didn't carry it o.’
   ‘Ah han, who took it then?’ I'll pretend.
   “Ask your class mates.”
   ‘Oh, that's true it should be Andrew, but I've warned him to stop.’

  “Why didn't you come to carry my food ”
  ‘I didn't see you.’
  ‘It's a lie, I was in class through out the break cause of you, now food got sour and I had to dispose it.’
  ‘I know your telling lies, hope you no we did a spit convenant?’ she'd warn me.
  ‘Why'd I tell lies? Me that don't like ….( I'll say the lunch type)’
    She got smarter though, as we left for school she'd grab my lunchbox from home, and even eat mine at home and hers at school. Though, I didn't worry much cause I'd always get something to eat at school, either from Andrew who brought a lot of cash to school or from Idowu, whose mom packed him food, he never touched, I wondered why, cause I got to know his mom was a really good chef.
   After my Mock exams in primary Five I was glad I was free from Jane cause I was leaving to a boarding school, would she come all the way for my lunch? Besides she won't like the food they'd served neither would she send homework to me. But, she'd also discovered I would be set loose in few months, and somehow I upset her so bad, she just cancelled on me.
     As my mom spanked me for using her make-up, she made some very vulgar statement, though in a very low tone, she did want my dad waking up.
    “Are you a girl? ” my mom asked harshly.
    ‘No ma.’
    ‘Tor, Mai Damua?’
    “Whats the problem?” Jane interpreted.
    ‘Who asked you ?’ I shut her up.
    ‘Oh, you're still talking’ said Mom.
    ‘No ma, But it's Jane that said I should make her up.’ I lied.
   ‘Ehn? Jane come here. ’ my mom Instructed.
   ‘Mummy it's a lie o.’ she pleaded.
   “Keep quiet, if your dad wake up it's double. Oya two of you close your mouth.”
    “I didn't use the make-up, it's Julius that use to rub it on his face, he'd now tie your wrapper and be catwalking.”
    ‘I said close your mouth’ she instructed.
     Jane, feared cane more than anything, I guess that why I mouth couldn't keep shut. She thought running it would save her, but it usually doesn't. We both got a good deal of the cane. Though my mom had come to realise I used the make-up and not on jane, but caned Jane for refusing to speak up sooner.
Later :

     ‘With all your oath, you still reported. Good for you.’
     ‘You too, good for you.’ she tried to tease.
     ‘Okay who is crying? I chest all the cane. Did you hear me cry?’ I asked.
     “Leave me alone or I'll report you again.”
     “To who? Mommy that's angry at you, go now.” I mocked her, she started another phase of crying.
       “If you'd kept your mouth shut, nothing would happen and you'd still be getting my lunch and good grades.”
       ‘Is you that caused it.’

     Maybe my mom didn't really know what it meant for a boy to wear make-up and tie wrappers or she just ignored the whole thing. She was probably not ready to start a sexuality topic with a Secondary school finalist or didn't believe anyone could be different.
    Yet, dumb as I was, I expected my phone back, it wasn't coming any sooner so I went for it.
    “Mommy, My phone.”
    “Okay, come and take it.” she said as she stretched it towards me. Though not expected, but I was glad as I reached for it she grabbed my hand and threw three slaps or were they punches?, I can't remember, but it's one of those kind that leave a three day headache.
   “Do you know why your dad bought you this phone?”
   ‘He said because of my performance in the Mock exams.’
   “Look at yourself, that's not why. He bought it so you can make research online and monitor Updates for the extrance exams and instead, what did you use it for?”
    I was shocked at this question, she'd gone through the phone, I'm dead.
   ‘I don't have your time now, I want to sleep. Tommorow I'll deal with your. It's Facebook that's your problem ?’
   I pretty sure I stayed up all night thinking of excuses. But she's gone through my Facebook. It's over.
  The next would probably be a good day to die The Tenth of October, Two thousand and Ten which would read 10/10/10.

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