Chapter 1: Renji, My Pet Cat

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"Kenny..." I hear a voice calling my name. "Kenny... Kenny..."

It sounds like a woman. I can't speak. I tried to talk but words won't come out. The voice is becoming more and more distant. Don't go! Wait! I can't move. Every inch of my body is frozen. Don't leave! Who are you?! Where am I?! "Kenny... Kenny. Kenny Mercy!" Another voice suddenly got louder. It was a male voice this time. I feel my body begin to move again. I slowly raised my head off a small square table. It was my desk. A middle aged man stood over me with his face full of anger. Oh right. I'm in school. I must have fallen asleep in the middle of class. So that female voice calling out to me most have been a dream. I looked up at the man. He wore glasses, a grey suit and held a small white book in his hand. This man hovering over me was my teacher, Mr. Davidson. He isn't the type of teacher you would mess with, so I know I'm in reall deep trouble since I fell asleep in his class.

Mr. Davidson spoke in a serious tone. "I see you have time to sleep during my class Mr. Mercy" It's not my fault you read insanely slow.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered. Mr.Davidson snorts and walks away. "Don't let it happen again." Then don't read so slowly! I heard the bell ring, singaling that class is over. Thank god. I hate this class anyway. Right now it's a free period in class and I'm incredibly hungry. Reaching into my bag for my lunch, someone walks up to me with a smile on their face. I looked up at the person. It was a boy, who is about my age. He had short sliver hair and forest green eyes. He greeted me with a huge smile on his face.

"Looks like you fell asleep in class again." I spoke in an irritated tone. "If you're here to make fun of me for sleeping in class, you can leave now"

He laughed heartly and sat infront of me, with a small box similar to mine. His name was Yusuke. He's been me best friend since middle school. He always has my back. Yusuke slowly put his arm around me and looked at me with erotic eyes.

He whispered into my ear softly. "Hey, how about after school we head to my place and have a little fun?" I grabbed his hand and squeezed it with all my might. "I'm a boy, you pervert." Yusuke quickly pulled his hand away and chuckled. "Geez. For a feminine boy, you're strong." "Well my father is the gym teacher at this school so you shouldn't be so surprised." Yusuke shruged his shoulders and began to eat. He spoke again. "But why don't you go out with me? You know me very well" I replied. "Because you're my best friend." Yusuke spoke again.

"Oh come! It's natural for a friend to fall for each other." Highlights formed in Yusuke's eyes as he spoke. "I ask you to come over my house and we play a few video games. Then when it starts to get dark outside, you decide to sleep over my house and I give you a futon to sleep on. I'll slowly cuddle next to you and look into your beautiful purple eyes. Then I'll slowly lean and I would softly apply my lips to yours and whisper softly into your ear. I'll always protect you"

"What type of fantasy world do you live in?" I said. I finished off my food and packed away all my things. My next class was gym.

I got up, walked to the locker room and started to change my clothes. As I slowly took off my shirt, I noticed some of the boys were staring at me strip. "Can I help you with somthing?!" I yelled in anger. The boys blushed and looked away. I hate how I look. There's one thing I'm well known for. It's very easy to mistaken me for a girl. I had short dark blue hair with yellow highlights, dark purple eyes, glossly lips, creamy smooth skin, fairly skinny and I was a bit shorter than most of the male students here. Not caring about the other boys, I slowly took off my shirt. As I looked for my gym uniform, I felt a hand slowly reach my back. What the hell?! The person's hand slowly reached up my body and soflty pinched my nipple.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Do you know where you're touching?! The peron's hand played around with my nipple and they were using their other hand to grope my ass. I covered my mouth, trying to prevent any moans from escaping. This is bad! If this continues, I'll get hard. I slowly turned my head and saw a man with blonde hair and yellow eyes. He smirked at my face and whispered into my ear. "I could go all the way if you like." His hand slowly reached into my pants. I instantly grabbed the hand reaching into my pants and forced the hand behind the person's back.

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