
I stared out unseeing through the window as rain descended from the sky, the drops of rain tapping against the road and window rapidly. It was a stormy night, indicating the chaotic events that were to come. I learned many, many years ago that the weather indicated that something was to come. I knew that the events of what had happened two days ago would cause changes to come, whether it be good or bad, but regardless, it would be a storm.

I heard the door behind me open then close. I didn't turn around, knowing who was there. There was a brief moment of silence before Beth spoke.

"She is so powerful, Marie," she said.

I gave a single nod, still staring out the window. "I know. I've seen it."

"I don't know what we're going to do with her. Of all my years of practicing magic, I've never seen anyone like her."
I frowned and turned around to look at her for the first time. "What do you mean, 'what we're going to do with her'?"

"I didn't mean it like that," she said hastily. "I just mean, how can we efficiently train her to hone in her powers? She's past her awakening phase, she's gaining her powers. We all know when sorceresses first hone into their magic it can be hard for them to control it, that it can get out of control. I don't know if I can train her. I haven't trained a sorceress for years."

I was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. An idea suddenly came to mind. I felt my eyes brightening as the idea played over my head. I knew, deep in my heart, that it was the right choice, that this would be the best thing to do for my granddaughter.

I looked over at my bookshelf, walked over to it, and pulled out the book that had all the information.

Beth walked over to me to read over my shoulder. I glanced over at her to see her eyebrows rise to nearly her hairline. "No, Marie, that is not a good idea. That is out of the question."

I flipped the pages to where the phone number was listed. "It is a good idea. What better way to help her adjust to our world?"

Beth reached over and gently grabbed my hand. "Marie, with all due respect, I don't think you should do this. Not yet. She's still trying to process that sorceresses even exist. It may be way too soon to introduce her to the other beings that exist."

I glared at her. "I'm not going to just send her off just yet. You know me better than that. This is after I bring her up to speed on everything else."
"I still don't think it's a good idea."

"My heart's telling me this is a good idea, that I do this for her."

Beth gave me a hard, steady look that had me stopping in my tracks. "Last time you followed your heart. . ." She didn't finish her sentence, letting her voice trail off.

I knew what she was saying. The memory of what happened twenty years ago hit me hard, causing an actual pain to attack my heart and winced. I felt guilt and shame cause my face to grow warm as I recalled that my one decision caused so many people to be hurt, something I never forget, kept trying to make up, never forgave myself for.

Beth's expression softened and she released my hand. "I didn't say that to hurt you. I just want you to think this out before you decide to do this."
I nodded. "I know. And I know back then I was impulsive and reckless. But I've grown from that. I'm seriously thinking this and considering how this is good for her. I'm not just sending her off because I want her to go there. I honestly do believe this is what's best for her."

She appeared to want to protest, but she stopped and nodded. "If that's what you believe is best for her, then so be it. I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

I smiled at her. I looked down at the phone number on the page, picked up my cell phone that was sitting on the desk beside the book, and dialed the number.

After I made the necessary arrangements, I hung up the phone and set it down on the desk.

"Would her parents agree to this?"

I smirked. "Heaven no. That's why they're not going to know about it until the day comes."
She gasped. "Marie!"
"Hey, I'm doing what's best for her."

"They're still her parents! You can't just sign her up without their consent!"

"I already did, and you know as well as I do that once you sign up, you can't take it back."

She shook her head. "They're going to be furious with you."
"I know, but once they know that this is what's best for her, that this is what will help her be successful, then they will understand."

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