The Removal

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Friday // 6 am

Deans old alarm woke Castiel up first. Flinching after the loud beeps it produced, similar to the buzzer that produced sound back when he was pulled up to be chained hanging by his wrists mostly, the tip of his toes barely able to stay on the ground... Weren't those the horrid days. Because of the reminder, Castiel tensed and pulled the blanket over his head and stuck closer to Dean. Tired and a bit scared.

Dean felt Castiel press against him and groaned to slap his dark alarm clock a few times until it stopped. "Hmm, did that scare you again?" Dean turned to groggily ask Castiel. As all he saw was a small movement of what he assumed was the others head under the blanket. Moving an arm up and around to gently pet Castiels ruffled wings.

About five hours ago Castiel finished his procedure and was in the clear surprisingly. His wings healed well and the angel just had to be careful with them for the time being. So did Dean—since he did pay for the whole thing in cash after all.

Gasping initially, the soothing pets didn't hurt and it was strange to feel that way as every time someone touched them before it felt like 600 wasps stung Castiel. The angel merely snuggled close enough to rest his head against Deans chest and fell back to sleep.

Dean didn't oppose it and decided not to move. They were both stressed from the whole situation of getting the thing off.

Friday // 12:01 am

"Get the circular saw..."

"W-what?" Castiel squeaked softly as he immediately sat up from the table.

A gentle hand was placed on the angels shoulder, "Calm down," Dean spoke softly before looking at Crowley, "Don't you have your own saw or scissors to cut it off?"

"Mine broke yesterday you twat," The short man sassed back. "And I'm not gonna stand here for two days slowly slicing away at this casting with a scalpel."

Dean hesitated before sighing, "I only have a manual saw..."

"Bullshit," Crowley growled.

Castiel began to shake as he heard their conversation get slightly more aggressive by the horrible comebacks to eachother.

Finally, it landed towards Dean yelling, "Fine! I'll get the saw!"

"Good!" Crowley shouted back. Huffing out and adjusting his coat collar a little. Deans footsteps starting to become more faint with each step he climbed.

"Can you believe him?" The Scottish accent becoming a bit thick as he looked over at Castiel, shaking their head a bit.

Castiel sat still and tense, fearful eyes when he saw Dean coming back with a chainsaw a few minutes later.

"Circular saw! Not chainsaw!" Crowley raised his voice, huffing a bit when Dean threw it into the man's hands. They wobbled down for a second by the sudden weight before standing straight up.

"Only electrical saw I got," Dean growled out. Moving past the doctor to give reassuring pats to Castiels head.

Castiel flinched at every other pet, tensing and eyes widely fearful. Seeing Crowley eventually move closer, Castiel couldn't help but inch away and behind Dean more. A hand on the others arm as his face dig into Deans shoulder half-way.

"It's going to be okay," Dean tried to reassure Castiel in a calmed manner.

"Hold him down," Crowley suggested as he plugged the device in and revved the engine with a quick pull.

Castiel freaked when he could feel himself being pushed down bit by bit by Dean. Of course he didn't struggle to bad because it was mostly uneasiness.

Then, he could hear it.

The sound of the steel teeth chewing away at the casting. It was a rough sound, like nails to a chalk board for Castiel. The angel froze however, he didn't want to hurt his wings, and could already predict the risk if moved even an inch.

Dean stood near the head of Castiel as the angel laid on the table. Gentle pets to the head, trying to keep the other calm.

Thankfully the procedure was a success on both wings.

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