This summers gonna hurt like.....

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(Y/n)'s POV

The atmosphere was dull and heavy as we arrived to the Malfoy Mansion. I didn't want to know what laid in wait for me as we stepped inside. The house elves rushed to gather our things. Everyone in the house seemed on edge - it was obvious there were other guests in the house.

"Come come you two, time to go up and get changed, we have a celebration tonight!" I heard Lucius say as he walked towards his wife who was conversing with two people dressed in dark Victorian clothing.

Draco and I shared a look before we both headed up stairs. I've come to this house so often i know have a regular bedroom!

When opened the door, there was a suitcase waiting for me with a note on top.

My dearest daughter,

I cannot wait to see you at tonight's party. I bought you some new clothes, i do hope you wear an outfit to the party tonight.

I have also asked the Malfoy's if they would be happy to have you for a few weeks! Since I know you would much rather spend your summer with Draco then with your father and me at home. I know it will be a huge change to having him be home, but we all new this day would come darling.

He is very happy to hear how you have become a very talented witch!
But fear not, for he shall not be at the party tonight he has....other buisness.

See you soon,
Love mum xxx

'Phew at least father will not be at the party tonight!' I quickly opened the case for find lots of lovely clothes packed in.

It didn't take me long to pick out an outfit. I decided to have a bath before the party - to soak away the day before having to "mingle" 'gross' I thought as I climbed into the lovely hot water (almost drowning in bubbles!)

'I'll probably just stay with mother or Draco'

- Time skip brought to you by Drogo! -

That bath is exactly what I needed! And by looking at the clock I need to get changed or I am going to be very late!


Checking my outfit out in the mirror, I quickly did my hair as someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I shouted. Looking in the mirror I saw Draco enter my room. As soon as he saw me, his jaw dropped!

"Draco close your mouth, you're gonna catch flies!" I say chuckling, whilst putting the clip in my hair.

"My apologies, you just look beautiful!" He says with a blush and small smile.

'Aweh bless him'

I turned around to face him - seeing him dressed all shape always made my cheeks blush.

"Might I add you are looking dashing as well?" I smirked. Draco smiled then look at me in confusion.

"Why are we talking in posh all of a sudden?" We both laughed as I should my head.

"I don't know but we should probably stop now!"

Soon we exited my room and made for the stairs, we could hear the party going on.

Draco extended his arm out to me, "my lady". Looping my arm with his I took a deep breath, and walked down to probably the worst party of my life.......

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now