Chapter 17: Redeeming A Person (Part 1)

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(LazyInu: An early half release because I'm running low on time. If I finish the second half tomorrow, I'll release it, but if I don't, I'll release it on the 16th. Sorry, but the homework I received for this week is longer than others. Especially the photoshop for art. I wonder how people use the lasso tool. My shaky hands could never!)

The competition under the stage became more and more intense, while the cheering around them became louder and louder.

Qin Nuo was fascinated, but soon turned around and stopped watching.

Qin Xun stood next to him, and said with a loud voice, "Oh, this trick is not good, you have to be a little higher. Oh, this girl is really hot."

Not long after, the woman with the sword stabbed the shoulder of the woman with the Emei daggers and blood splattered everywhere. The woman with the emei daggers screamed and fell to the ground.

The winner has now been decided. Although their wounds weren't fatal, the scene is still gruesome and extremely uncomfortable to watch.

Qin Nuo frowned while more than a dozen staff members rushed to the site, taking the woman out of the arena.

Although the woman with the long sword won the game, she fell before and was wounded by the woman with emei daggers. Covered with blood, her clothes were torn to shreds. In the ancient times, when laws were strict, a woman, if there is still a choice, will not allow themselves to fall into such a terrible situation. Having their bodies exposed for all is shameful.

To his doubts, Qin Xun laughed and gave an explanation.

"Some are the manpower of the cities, some were criminals, and some were bought slaves. Not to mention those southern captives. Those who are desperate, who knows where they come from. This is what the camp is and it's definitely the right way. Even if you buy someone, you can rest assured that no one will bother you about them," He lowered his voice. "Yes, Jia Pi still can't show face to us brothers."

"Is this a secretly operated business?"

"Ha, it's not a secret. The Five Elite of the Forbidden Army, which one does not have a private subsidy for subsistence. Everyone knows."

Qin Nuo remembered Jia Pi and Zhao Pingyi they met yesterday, and felt complicated. Not only did they operate this dehumanizing combat arena, but they also participated in part-time human trafficking.

"These kinds of showy matches are gimmicks to coax those who have little knowledge, or people who come to Beijing from other provinces. It's nothing to look at. This brother knows that you don't like to watch this, but next match is the highlight of our visit today. If us brothers want to get rich, we will have to depend on this one."

Next up are two young men. One with a long sword and one with a dagger.

According to Qin Xun, these two are high-level masters so Qin Nuo then realized that the warriors were also ranked.

Meanwhile, Qin Xun was deliberating on who to bet on. Looking at the booklet in his hand, he saw that both fighters were captured from Nanchen, the Southern Empire. They were captured when the Southern Army broke through Jiancheng. After hesitating for a long time, he finally decided: "The one in blue, I bet 1,200. "

Qin Nuo still didn't bet. This kind of competition that takes human life as a bet was really beyond Qin Nuo's tolerance.

After Qin Xun placed his bet, he finally noticed Qin Nuo's strange face and smiled: "Jiudi, don't be so kind and soft-hearted. These are prisoners of war or self-sold slaves. They are not worthy anyone's sympathy. After all, good people would not have become slaves. "

Qin Nuo shook his head. "I just feel that treating a living person, even if they are prisoners of war, like that is too cruel."

Qin Xun shook his head and couldn't help laughing. "Jiudi, you are so naive! Let me tell you the something, this is actually a very good thing for prisoners of war."

"Most of the 70,000 captives of the Nanchen war were sent into the Xicheng coal kilns. Life was bitter, but if they come to this arena, they could at least have enough food and clothing. Additionally, if they were lucky enough and got redeemed, there would be a chance they might live well in the future."

(LazyInu: If you didn't know, when you want to buy someone from a brothel/etc, you tell the staff or the owner that you want to redeem them.)

Qin Nuo was silent. In ancient society, prisoners of war were always treated cruelly, like in the Battle of Changping, where 400,000 were killed in one fell swoop. Although Da Zhou did not kill them directly, most of them were sent to mines, coal kilns and other places, serving harsh labor. Under such torture, most of the captives would die in two or three years. When sent to this arena, they at least have a possibility of having a better life.

"And the place this army has is relatively peaceful compared to our third brother's."

"Why did you bring up third brother?"

Qin Xun smiled and lowered his voice. "Pidongying also has a place in the western suburbs of Beijing. It's third brother's army. Hey, I remembered something. Last time this brother went there, oh, there were some matches with lions and tigers eating people. The fierce beasts were injected with drugs to make them insane and are extremely powerful. More than a dozen fighters rushed up to subdue them, but no one could resist their assaults and was directly torn into pieces. "

"Oh, I don't like to watch those. It's too bloody and would stop me from eating for days."

Qin Nuo heart sank. He thought this match in front of him was cruel enough, but he didn't expect it to be pretty tame compared to others. The scenes of fierce beasts devouring the people was enough to make him vomit.

Pidongying is also one of the five elite of the Beijing forbidden army. It is under the leadership of the Guo family so everyone in the capital naturally knew that it belonged to the Third Prince, Qin Jian.

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