Chapter 3

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"Here." He places the cups on the counter.

Zee grabs the water and takes an enormous gulp before spitting it on the floor "This is too sweet." She gripes.

"What?" Anna takes a small sip before frowning.

Ella looks at her water suspicious before tasting some "Way too sweet. It needs salt."

The boys have gathered in the kitchen and are watching the girls in surprise. Lane is shaking his head in disbelief

"Sweet? You guys are weird!" Lane says teasingly as he gives Zee the saltshaker.

Twisting off the cap, Zee dumps it into her drink before tasting it "Hmmm, still too sweet." Zee complains modestly

"Hey! You didn't leave any for us!" Anna snaps.
"Calm down," Robert holds his hands up in surrender."We have more salt." He slowly grabs the large box of kosher salt before sliding it towards the girls who pour it in their drinks.

They all nod their agreement

"Much better." Ella finishes her drink before looking out at the ocean.

The boys stare at the girls in astonishment as they drink the saltwater. "You guys are strange," Will mutters staring at the salt filled glasses before smiling, "I have decided to become your friends, your nurturers, your fatherly figure, your-" Will starts

"Shut up Will." Lane says before punching Will in the shoulder.


Maddog and Lolo swim to shore and inspect the house carefully.

"We have to go to Atlantis! I'll bet the library has a few books on what's wrong with Anna, Ella and Zee!" Lolo exclaims suddenly.

"How are we going to reach them though?" Maddog asks sighing.

Lolo smiles, "We find a messenger," She grins at Striker, who is sniffing the sand. "Hello dog."

"Hello fish-woman, I'm Striker." Striker greets back noticing Lolo's and Maddog's tails.

"Striker can you send a message to Anna, Ella and Zee?" Lolo asks gently.

"Striker send message." Striker confirmed.

"We are going to Atlantis. Can't come to land right now. Sorry." Lolo sent the message short and easy. Striker bows before turning and running into the beach house. Lolo and Maddog both dive under the water as they head towards their old home, Atlantis. They would have a long journey ahead of them, about a day or two and that is going 300 miles at the most.


Before Will could punch Lane back, Striker bounces into the kitchen as he gets sandy wet paw prints all over the floor. Striker sniffs the air before walking right up to Anna.

'Hello human!' Striker barks while Anna smiles politely.

'I like to eat my poop!' Anna greets before realizing her mistake. She meant to say 'Hello Striker!' But Anna had pronounced the growls wrong since there are three hundred and fifty-eight barks for 'hello'. Striker laughs knowing what Anna is trying to say.

"Message from fish-woman!" Striker barks as he turns serious. Ella and Zee listen quietly as Anna talks to Striker.

"Wow dude! You're talking to Robert's dog. Are you like a dog whisperer or something?" Lane asks in wonder. This is creepy but exhilarating at the same time.

Robert gives his friends a signal to catch their attention. 'We need to talk' he mouths as he walks into the living room with Will and Lane right behind him. They left the girls listening to Striker.

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