Chapter 2

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"What in the world just happened?" Benny asks as he manages to break the ice with an emergency oar that they have stored in the boat.

"I have no idea; you were right man. We should've stayed home and watched football." Robert admits as he uses the other oar to shove their way out of the ice island. Benny nods in agreement as he tries to start the motor.

"Its frozen too, we are going to have to paddle. You paddle us to shore and I'll try to fix the motor." Benny suggests as he tries to get out of work, making Robert frown.

"No way! I'm better at Minecraft so it's obvious that I'll fix the motor; you start paddling!" Robert protested.

"We all know that I'm the master at Minecraft Robert, step aside and let a pro fix it." Benny cooly answers as Robert rolls his hazel eyes as he begins paddling reluctantly. Neither Robert or Benny know how to fix a boat motor so it is obvious that Benny is just sitting in the back, enjoying the ride. It takes at least fifteen minutes to reach shore and by then both boys are sweating from the heat.

"Finally!" Robert gasps, falling out of the boat and onto the warm sand, which he swallows in the process.

"Dude, look!" Benny exclaims, his eyes wide and mouth open in shock. Three girls are lying on the beach unconscious in different colored sundresses. Robert jerks his head up and instantly punches Benny, who is still ogling the girls.

"Stop staring! Let's get these girls inside the empty guest house." Robert hisses as he stands up and surveys where they docked; right by his parents beach house. Working together, the two friends, one by one, take the girls into the boat house.

Leaning against the kitchen sink, Robert stares at Benny as Benny calls Lane and Will.

"Hey! Benny guess what?" Lane yells into the phone as loud music blares in the background.

"What?" Benny asks amused as he rolls his blue eyes.

"Nothing!" Lane shouts and starts laughing like a maniac. Will, who is staying with Lane cackles in the background.

"Look guys, Robert and I found three strange girls unconscious on the beach. There is setting kinda weird about them.Can you two come over here and help us figure out what to do?" Benny asks not sure how to approach the subject.

"I don't know..." Lane says reluctantly.

"Please?" Benny begs knowing he and Robert need help with their situation.

"Fine." Lane agrees cautiously

"I'm a penguin!" Will hollers into the phone before chuckling. Benny rolls his eyes before clicking the phone off.

"Are they coming?" Robert asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. He never has been fond of Will.

Benny nods before opening his mouth to talk.

"Are you sure we should help them? We don't even know who they are! They could be mass murders for all we know!" Benny exclaims warily, Robert's glare quickly silences him.

"Yeah, mass murders; three girls in sundress on the beach. They totally fit the profile dude." Robert replies sarcastically before turning serious "We have to help them. It is the right thing to do; It wouldn't be right if we left them there on the sand!" Robert explains. He just feels like it is his job to protect and defend those who need it. These girls need it.


Ella is the first girl to wake up. She blinks several times as she stares at her surroundings confused. She is lying on a bed curled up in the middle while Zee and Anna are sprawled out, taking larger quantities of the bed. A dresser with a mirror propped up on it is across the room, Ella stares at her reflection stunned. Her light brown hair is mangled and her eyes are wide in shock, she doesn't even recognize herself. She sits up uncomfortable, "Zee, Anna! Wake up." She hisses as she shoves her friends off the bed.

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