WWE comes calling

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For the past few months I have been floating around the Indies. Showing up at smaller shows that need a ratings. But today was different than the rest. Today WWE called me. They wanted to sign so since I had nothing better to do I signed.
Time skip to Friday
Roman Reigns, Paul Herman and Jey Uso were in the ring. Roman was issuing a challenge.
Roman- is there anyone back there man enough to face me.
Well I answered the challenge.
Announcer- and his opponents weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne.

Narrators POV
Roman went for the spear but Ethan kicked him in the head. To follow it up Ethan hit a

Ethan went for the cover but Reigns kicked out at two. Ethan tried to hit the

but Reigns countered and hit a

Roman then went to corner to set Ethan up for the spear but Ethan jumped over Reigns and hit blackout for the three count.
Ethan's POV
When I got backstage I reunited with so many people that I haven't seen in a while. Then when I pass by catering I see this girl that I don't remember her name but I have definitely seen her before.
That is it for Chapter 3. Let me know what was your favorite part of the chapter in the comments below. Till next time peace.

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