Double Duty

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This week I'm doing double duty. I'm going to be on NXT and Smackdown. So tonight I'm going to be in a tag match with Finn Balor.
Time skip to the match
Announcer- introducing first the challengers weighing in at 305 pounds the Demon Assassins

A/N- they are called Demon Assassins because when you combine there nicknames together that's what you get. Also whenever there in tag matches there always in there alter egos. Now back to the story.
Announcer- and there opponents weighing in at weighing in at 448 pounds Breezango.

Ethan and Tyler start off the match with a couple of rest holds until Bourne backs Breeze into a corner and does

followed by a

Ethan goes into the cover but only gets a two count.
Ethan's POV
I sent Fandango to the outside bounced off the ropes and hit a

I threw Dango back into the ring. I waited for Fandango to get up and hit

Breeze breaks up the pin. Then out nowhere Finn hits a

Breeze was in the drop zone so we both hit our finishers. Finn then three Tyler out and I covered Fandango for the three count.
Time skip to Smackdown
Tonight I'm in a rematch with Cody Johnson UCS754. Apparently he was still salty that he got distracted and lost. Not my problem he couldn't keep his eyes on the prize. But that's besides the point.
Billie- hey I saw you unleash the Silent Assassin last week. I thought you looked quite hot when you are angry.
Ethan- I saw your match last week and I just wanted to say great job also good luck facing Sasha Banks this week.
Billie- thank you good luck on your match against Cody
Ethan- you don't need luck when your me
Time skip to the match
Announcer- introducing first the challenger were in at 225 pounds the Nightmare Cody Johnson

Announcer- and his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds he is the Intercontinental champion the Archer Ethan Bourne
Ethan and Cody start off by countering each other moves smoothly which gets applause from the crowd. Ethan then kicks Cody in the gut and hits a

Cody gets right back up and hits a

As Ethan was on the ground Cody started stomping on his chest.
Cody- when you won two weeks ago it was a fluke
That incensed Ethan and they

Kevin- Ethan
Sami- Cody
Cody sent Ethan to the outside. With Ethan on the outside the Nightmare decided to hit a

Ethan was in control of the match until

Sasha Banks made her way down to the ring to distract Ethan but that plan backfired because

Billie Kay ran down and a brawl happened outside the ring. Inside the ring Cody hit the

But when Cody went for the cover Ethan reversed into his own cover but it only got a two count. When both men were up Cody tried to hit sweet chin music but he missed and Ethan connected with

But when he went for the cover out of nowhere Roman Reigns hit a

so the match ended in a disqualification. Thanks to UCS754 for letting me use Cody Johnson. Let me know what was your favorite part of the chapter. That is just two sweet🤘

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