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Tonight was TLC I was so hyped to be on the show. I looked to see when I would appear and I wasn't even booked. To say that I was mad was an understatement. I have worked my ass off as Intercontinental champion and I'm not even on the card. No promo no match no nothing. Smackdown was supposed to be the land of opportunity but clearly I was wrong.
Ethan's mind- well if there not going to give you an opportunity then you are just going to have to take it. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers.
Time skip to PPV
Right now in the ring Seth Rollins was rambling on and on about how he tried to save me but I turned my back on him and rhetorically spit in his face. I was tired of just sitting here so I decided to do something about it. I walked out there much to the pleasure of the crowd.

Seth- Ethan just the guy I wanted to see how you doin
Ethan- you know I was doing perfectly fine until you showed up
Seth- I can save
Ethan- oh cut the bullshit Rollins the one guy that you had you treated him wrong so he turned his back on you. So what makes you think that I wanna join you after what you did to him.
Seth- you see Murphy wasn't the right fit for me
Ethan- and what makes you think that I am
Seth- I see untapped potential in you that nobody else sees. Join me Ethan for the greater good.
Rollins extends his hand to Ethan. Ethan thinks about it for a second before slapping Rollins hand away much to the pleasure of the crowd.
Then out of nowhere Ethan hit

Ethan- I work better alone I don't need your nor do I want your help. Don't ever bother me again.
Hey guys let me know what was your favorite part of the chapter. Till next time peeps because

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