Tag team Match

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So today I'm in a tag team match with Zack Ryder against the Street Profits.
I was backstage getting ready for my match listening to

Zack- you ready for tonight
Ethan- yeah I'm ready
Zack- alright broski
Zack leaves then Billie enters
Billie- hey Ethan we still on for a date
Zack- yeah how bout tomorrow
Billie- ok
Ethan- also you look cute
Billie-*blushing* thank you
Time skip to match
Announcer- introducing first the challenger weighing in at 216 pounds the Long Island Iced Z Zack Ryder and his partner weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Announcer- and their opponents weighing in at 492 pounds The Street Profits.
Narrator POV
Ethan and Montez start off the match. Ethan goes for a punch but Montez ducks and goes from a back suplex but Bourne flips out of it and delivers a

Ethan goes for a standing shooting star press but Ford rolls out of the way. Ford then proceeds to tag in Angelo Dawkins. Angelo using his size starts throwing Ethan around like a child until Ethan tags in Zack Ryder.
Ethan and Montez were in the ring and were hitting punches on each other until Ethan hits blackout for the three count.
Till next time my peeps. Because that's how I roll.

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