Phantom Traveler Pt.1

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Isabeau hums in content as she shifts closer to Dean's sleeping form. Isabeau's body was naturally warm, but being close to another person's warmth was nice. Both Dean and Isabeau's legs were tangled together, Isabeau was encased in Dean's chest, his arms wrapped around her.

The blankets were tossed off to the side, Dean wearing a shirt and his boxers and Isabeau only wearing her black lace bra and underwear, and one of her plaid shirts that was unbuttoned. Isabeau never really cared if Dean and Sam saw her only in her under garments, she was never one for wearing clothing while in bed. Not to mention the boys never commented about it, so she didn't think they were uncomfortable with it.

Isabeau's eyes opened slowly, small rays of light flooding into the motel room. She looked at Dean's sleeping face and smiled. She closed her eyes, curling her head underneath Dean's chin and into his chest. It was Dean's night to share the bed with her and he was always a cuddler. That was another thing that the three did. Isabeau switched between Dean and Sam to share the motel beds with. It was sort of an unspoken agreement they've had since they were teenagers.

Isabeau hears the door open, Dean awakens, his eyes watching Isabeau's figure, and moving his arm that was under her to underneath the pillow, ready to pull out a weapon. The door slams and Dean turns quickly to look, causing Isabeau to open her eyes.

Isabeau looks over, seeing Sam standing in the room with coffees and a bag of food. "Morning, sunshines." Sam says.

Dean groans. "What time is it?" Dean asks. Isabeau rubbed at her eyes, trying to fully wake up.

"Uh, it's about five forty-five." Sam answers.

"In the morning?" Dean asks.

"Yep." Sam confirms.

"Where does the day go?" Dean asks. He and Isabeau untangle from their cuddling. Isabeau sits up, reaching for one of the cups in Sam's hands. He smiles softly at her, handing her a cup. Isabeau smiled as the smell of green tea wafted in her face.

"You're a saint, Sam. Thank you." Isabeau thanks Sam.

Dean sits up. "Did you get any sleep last night?" He asks.

"Yeah, I grabbed a couple hours." Sam says.

"Liar. 'Cause I was up at three, and you were watching a George Foreman infomercial."

Isabeau raised a brow at Sam's lie. She was passed out before both brothers around midnight. She technically didn't need the sleep but it felt wonderful. Sleep was a mistress that Isabeau would happily submit to any day of the week.

Dean swung around so he was sitting on the side of the bed, Isabeau did the same.

"Hey, what can I say? It's riveting TV." Sam holds his hands up in defense.

"When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?" Dean asked.

"I don't know, a little while, I guess. It's not a big deal." Sam says.

Isabeau gave him a look. "Yeah, it is. You won't even let me do aromatherapy on you anymore." She took a sip of her tea.

Dean pouted. "Now that's bad, you never turn that down."

"Look, I appreciate your concern-" Sam starts.

"Oh, I'm not concerned about you. It's your job to keep our asses alive, so I need you sharp."

Sam shrugs.

"Seriously, are you still having nightmares about Jess?" Dean asks. Isabeau frowns. That was the reason why Isabeau did aromatherapy on Sam. He came to her the night after Jess's death about the nightmares. That's when Isabeau insisted on helping him sleep and he came to her every night following, but recently he stopped. It worried the hell out of her.

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