Chapter 18: The One behind the Texts

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Derrick P.O.V.

I woke up to Blake's obnoxious alarm. I turned to him to see if he's gonna get up but I see that he's entangled with Ty. I couldn't help but coo over them. I got up still feeling like shit since I couldn't really sleep last night thinking about who ever the fuck texted me. I stripped off my boxers and jumped into a cold shower to wake my ass up. I just stood there watching the water run down my body for a bit till my head is a bit more cleared up.

Once I was done with my shower I wrapped a towel around my body and made my way back to the room. "Well good mornings babes." I told them as I entered the closet to get dressed. "Hey love are you alright. You seemed bothered." I heard Ty and before I could reply I felt his arms wrapped around my exposed waist. Instantly relaxing me. "I'm fine, just a bit skeptical that's all." Tyler got off me and made his way around me and looked right into my eyes.

"Don't worry about it too much. You have Blake and I to back you up." Ty gave me a small kiss and made his way back to the room. "Ty go shower I have to get something ready." Ty nodded, grabbed his towel, and made his way to the shower. Once we heard the door lock Blake got up and made his way towards me. "Love it will be fine. It's not the first time we dealt with crazy shit." I let out a sigh and nodded my head in agreement. "I know it's just Ty's now with us. I don't want anything to hurt him."

Blake looked at me like I'm stupid. "Ty has me and you to protect him. We got this." He just looked at me and gave me a small kiss. "Now go down and help Abigail with breakfast while me and Ty get ready." I gave a small nod and made my way to the kitchen. While in the hallway my phone went off and my nerves came right back. "Todays the day.'' I just stared at the message just rereading those three words. I can't let whoever this is get to me. I shoved my phone in my back pocket and made my way into the kitchen.

Abigail was already cooking and seemed like all she needed was the setup. "Ohhhh hi Derrick how are you this morning." She gave me a small smile then turned back to the stove as she continued cooking scrambled eggs. "It's going." I let out a small laugh. Abigail just gave me a look of concern but brushed it off. "Those boys better be down here quick or y'all gonna be late to class." I looked at the clock at the kitchen and realized we only have 30 min till the morning bell. Thank god the school is only 10 min away. I quickly finish up my food while I hear the other two running down. "FUCK SORRY ABIGIAL WE ARE COMING!" Abigail looked over at me shaking her head while laughing.

I moved out of the way while I headed to the garage to get the car while they ate. I decided to drive today and made my way to the front. I blared my horn and not a second later they came tumbling out the door. God they're idiots but I love them. They quickly got in the car and I began to head to prison. I mean school. Egh same thing. I hear both of them talking about the morning but I don't partake because my mind is back onto the text from earlier. The drive was quick and we got to the school faster than usual.

I parked the car and my nerves came back. "Hey love it's alright don't forget me and Ty are here for you." I felt Blake plant a small kiss on me helping me relax. "Yeah and whoever this creep is I got them" We both looked at Ty watching him flex his small muscle and couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness. "Whatever you'll see." Ty laughed as he got out of the car. I'm so grateful to have them. I got out of the car and made my way to Ty. I grabbed his hand and started walking towards the school. Blake was following behind us on his phone texting. I realized we got 10 min until the bell and there were students littered around the front.

A lot of them began to whisper and point at us. I frankly didn't give two fucks and I looked over to see that Ty didn't either. He is smaller than us but he carries himself well. Most likely from his mother's side but when it comes to his own feelings he's rather shy. "Faggots!" We heard a student yell from a distance. Before I could say anything I heard Blake. "Awe does someone feel left out you can join me." The guy looked pissed and embarrassed and left. They are both in a whole new mood. Which I remembered why since today is the day.

"I missed you so much baby!" I heard a very familiar voice but before I could register it I felt someone run into me with a hug. I let go of Ty's hand and looked down. Fuck it's this bitch again. "Hey love whose this?" I looked up to see Ty looking a bit hurt and jealous at the same time. Before I could speak the girl let go of me and spun around. "The name is Guili (juli) and I'm Derrick's girlfriend, who are you?" Anger was filling me up and I saw Ty's face full of hurt. My heart broke to see him in pain. Blake went over to him but before he could grab him Ty pulled back.

Blake looked hurt from his actions and before he could speak Ty left us there. "You better fix this I'm gonna get Ty." He motioned to her and me. I realized a crowd was starting to form and whispers came back. I grabbed Guili's wrist and made our way to the school and towards the overpass. "Who was that weird ass guy babe?" I let go of her wrist and spun around. "Why the fuck are you here?" I clenched my teeth and each word dripped with anger. "What do you mean I transferred here after you up and left without telling me." Guili laughed as she stepped in closer. I tried to step back but I hit the wall.

"Awe don't act like that love. I know you missed me too." Guili touched my face. I pushed her back. "Leave me alone. You've been a crazy bitch since day one." I told her as I began to walk away. "Awe going back to that faggot, what's his name again.... Ty is it not?" I stopped in my tracks and turned towards Guili. Anger across my face. "Awe don't look like that. After I went through the trouble to text you and finally get back to you." Guili began walking towards me and rested her hand on my chest. "Wait you were the one texting me the whole time?" I pulled out my phone to look at the blocked contact.

"Well of course it only took me a bit to get your new number and figure out what school you went to." Guili seemed proud of herself but just made me even more creeped out by her. Before I could say anything else the bell rang. "Well babe I gotta get to class and if you cause me any trouble I'll just have to deal with Ty." Guili ran her finger under my chin and left me there speechless. Fuck fuck FUCK. Guili is a crazy bitch and her threats are never hollow. I quickly made my class to find Ty and Blake. "Hello Derrick, just take this worksheet and do it with your group while I grade last week's quizzes." Mr. Armani handed me my sheet and made my way to the back. All I saw was Blake with no sign of Ty. "Where's Ty?" I looked around in case he was somewhere else. "I'm not sure. When he went inside I lost him in the students and he's not answering his phone." Blake looked worried and so am I. "I can't believe your crazy ex is back." Blake looked at me knowing how Guili is. "She found out about where we transferred to, my number, and about Ty."

"How the fuck did she get so much info." Blake looked down at his sheet and started filling it out. "I don't know but she said if I cause any issues she'll go for Ty." Blake's head snapped up at me with rage in his eyes. "What does that mean?" Blake's fist clenched and he look like he was gonna murder Guili. "I don't know and we can't do anything right now. We don't know what she's capable of or what's her goal." Blake let out a sigh of defeat and looked back down.

"We need to find Ty asap." I nodded my head with Blakes statement. We just need to get out of this class. The bell rang signaling the end of class. "Should we check our next class and if he's not there we should skip and look for him elsewhere." Blake looked at me with awe. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Blake just laughed lightly. "Well it's rare for you to actually have a good idea." Blake nudged me and laughed at my face. I just grabbed his hand and made our way to our next class. I looked into the room and before I could continue my search an old lady appeared. "Hello boys, how could I help you?" An older woman was standing there questioning us. Oh good it's a sub now we can definitely leave.

"We were sent from the office to find a student. Pardon us is Tyler Moore here?" Blake quickly came up with a lie realizing the same thing. "Oh Tyler isn't here today." The woman looked at the attendance sheet. "No worries. Thank you." Blake grabbed my hand and made our way to the front of the school. "Good job on that lie back there." I slapped Blake back amazed at his quick thinking. "We don't have time to waste and since it was a sub it was easier to skip." Blake grabbed my hand again and made our way to the car.

"Where are we going?" I pulled out my keys unlocking the car. "He must have left through the back of the school if he's not here. Let's go to his house and if he is not there let's ask Val." I agreed to Blake's plan and started the car. Time to meet Val again. Damn that woman scares me but we have to see her if we wanna find Ty and deal with Guili.

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