Chapter 58: Ty in the Shadows

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Ty's P.O.V.

I only took the train for a couple of stops until I was roughly in midtown. Every step I took that night after I ran filled me with regret. I roamed the city for a bit in the dead of night. I watched as people walked around enjoying the holiday. I felt so drained. I was getting cold walking in this concrete jungle in the middle of winter. I pulled out my phone to call for Ren to see if she could get me. She told me she is leaving the hospital and will be right there.

I felt relieved to know that they are at hospital but at the same time I felt my chest tighten. I felt my legs get weak and I started to wobble to the nearest ledge to sit down. My mind flooded with everything again. I wanna be there but how? I literally shot a fatal shot and both my loves are suffering. I pulled out my phone and started to look at the photos just taken not that long ago. I felt desensitized.

I just sat there staring into the far distance. Not focusing on anything specific just...there.

I don't know where to go from here. My mind went blank. Not from forcing myself to save my own feelings. I'm just accepting that a part of my life came to an abrupt end. The sounds of people walking around me as if I'm some drug fein on the side of the road. No one batting an eye to me or giving me the time of day. It was oddly comforting.

I wasn't sure how long I was sitting there. Time felt distorted until a car stopped right in front of me. I just thought it was someone's ride share until I saw the driver come out. I turned my eyes to focus on the lights above me. I'm so tired. Not a second later someone was pulling me up from the ledge. I didn't fight it. "Ty...Tyler!" Ren was now pushing my hair to the side as she was pulling my head forward to look at her.

"Tyler, I'm here. You're freezing!" Is all she said as she helped me to the car. She tried to put me in the back seat but I refused. I moved towards the front of the car to sit in the passenger seat. I wanted to continue to watch everything all around me. Ren buckled me in and didn't say a word when she came in. She began to drive towards the house. The ride was silent. No music. No talking. Just existing.

It wasn't long till we finally arrived back at the house. I just stared at the house before exiting the car. Ren followed behind as I slowly trudged my way up to the door. I opened the door slowly to a cold empty house. Seems like mom isn't here. Ren closed the door behind me. "I'm making you some soup to help thaw you out." I just nodded my head as I watched her disappear into the kitchen. I put my hand in my pocket feeling something cold. I pulled out the gun.

I forgot I put this in my pocket. I went to the kitchen with the gun in my hand. "Ren?" Is all I said as I walked in. I saw her putting the pot on the stove. She turned around to speak but not before stopping her reply as she looked at the gun right away. I placed it on the counter. "Can you deal with this?" Is all I said waiting for her reply. "Certainly. We'll make it as if this gun never existed." I just nodded my head and turned back around back up to my room.

I closed the door behind me and looked at my bare room. Just some stuff littered around from our yesterday quick change for our last date. I noticed a bag I'm unfamiliar with. I picked it up and looked inside. It was spare clothes and some cologne. It's the twins overnight bag. I decided to pack up the stuff they have scattered and put them in the bag. "Ty the soup is ready." I heard Ren say through the door. I quickly went down to eat and put the bag by the front door and the keys; I'm assuming it is theirs; as well.

After eating though my body felt like it was about to crash. I excused myself and headed back upstairs. I peeled off the clothes I had on and threw myself in bed with just my boxers on. I'm ready to sleep till the new year. The moment my body was wrapped up in the blanket. Just like a light I was out. It was an event less sleep. I woke up hours later to the sound of someone knocking on my door.

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