Prank gone wrong but gone right?

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June 22 1978 2:13 PM
Curt looks down at his math final exam after checking it, He hope's he will get a good grade on it, so he could get into a good college, another thing He hope's will happen,
Getting into the same college as Roland.

Curt then looks up at the clock, And sees that it read's 2:14 PM, Which means that their's only 1 more minute left in class.

Curt spent this last minute daydreaming about Roland, He closes his eye's, And see's himself running up to Roland, And jumping into his arms, while kissing him passionately on a hill while the sun is setting.

Curt feels like he was in his happy place right now, he didn't want to leave it.
However, his daydream gets interrupted when the final bell he is ever going to hear in high school rang

Curt leaves his math classroom, Happy that high school is finally over with, He looks around for Roland, and he spots him over by his locker, cleaning it out for the year.

Curt thinks about sneaking up on him, He then runs up to Roland with his back turned, And as Curt is about to jump onto Roland's to scare him, Roland starts to turn around but it's too late Curt jump's onto Roland a little to hard making both of the boy's fall down onto the ground.

Curt ended up on top of Roland, they're lips were inches away from each other, both boys were lost in each other's eyes.

Curt wanted to kiss Roland's plump lips so bad right then and there he couldn't handle his hormone's going this crazy.

Roland didn't know how to feel About the situation he was in right now he could feel his face get warm and he started to blush he noticed Curt was blushing as well.

Curt and Roland started to laugh softly, They didn't know how to get out of this situation.
Luckily no one was staring at them. In fact everyone except for a few people left already.

"Um hi Roland...." Curt says uncomfortably breaking the silence
"Hi Curt..." Roland get's up off the ground while helping Curt up as well.

The next few minutes were awkward, the two boys didn't talk at all, they walked next to each other, not even looking at each other

Eventually, Curt and Roland left their high school, They'll never have to see that place again. Curt really liked what went on back in the hallway with Roland, He wasn't expecting his little prank to go this far.
However, Curt was nervous, he had a strong feeling that Roland didn't like him like that at all.

"Well goodbye Curt, I'll see you tonight at 6 right?
Curt forgot he was going out with Roland tonight, he was filled with excitement now, every awkward feeling from what just happened washed away. "Yes!, yes we are remember roller rink at 6!" Curt says ecstatically, while starting to get on his bicycle.
"Well I'll see ya there then Curt" Roland says while smiling, sounding more happy than before.

Both of the boys get on their bikes, And wave at each other as they go there separate ways towards their houses.

While on his bike ride home, Roland thinks about what happened in the hallway. "did Curt intentionally jump on me? Or was he joking around?"

Another thing Roland was sad About, Was that he never got the chance to give Curt the vhs, All he wanted to see was Curt to be happy, it hurt him seeing him sad like he was earlier, Roland seeing Curt smile brightened his day, seeing him laugh, made him laugh, he felt happier when he was with him, he felt like himself when he was with Curt. Roland made the same realization Curt did

He liked him as well.

And that's chapter 3, I hope you liked the chapter! Let me know what you think!

~Something Happened And I'm Head Over Heels~(Tears For Fears Roland x Curt)Where stories live. Discover now