With Ao Yue

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          Oh Sehun has been fighting depression since the middle of his junior year in high school.

Now at the end of his senior year and still suffering, he has decided to end his life. It's been at the back of his mind for a while –– how he will do it, but not when.

Before he can decide, though, he meets Aoyue in the hospital waiting room. She fascinates him. Ao Yue is twenty and dying pulmonary fibrosis.

Her days are numbered but she treats everyday like it's her first. She's strong and full of life even though She's weak and slowly dying. Sometimes he sees her there and those few moments that she chats with him in the hospital make him feel like he's momentarily pulled out of the black hole of his depression.  She soon takes matters into her own hands and shows him the world he's missing.

In return, he teaches her how to accept  the inevitable. One thing is for sure, though. One person can change your life. She saved him.

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