11 - Winning Hearts

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3rd person POV

Chat looked uncomfortably at Mil, who looked more deranged than ever.

"Where did you go, Tine?" said Mil in a singsong voice, looking through photos and video footage.

They hadn't been able to find Tine since the night Mil had broken into the architect's apartment.

Mil felt his bruised jaw and smiled.

My Tine touched me.

"We can't get anywhere close to the girl or the Chairman. They're too well protected" said Chat, hoping that Mil would abandon his plan for the time being.

The arms dealer they worked for, Lhong, had a new assignment for them that needed Mil to focus. He was extremely distracted by Tine.

"Lhong needs you in Yangon tomorrow" reminded Chat. Mil clucked his tongue in annoyance.

"Keep an eye on the architect's boy while I'm gone. That snot nosed kid may prove useful" said Mil ominously.

Tine's POV

I looked at Wat's beautiful face as he slept. We'd spent another night wrapped around each other, talking and making out like love starved teenagers.

Pear had relieved me of the guilt and self-disgust that I had been carrying. My heart was no longer torn between my duty and my dream.

I prayed the Master would not feel betrayed. I was prepared to do whatever he wanted, give up everything if he asked, to be with Wat.

I kissed Wat's hand softly and lifted it off me. He stirred slightly, but slept on.

Twenty minutes later, I was dressed and ready to leave. We were less than a month away from breaking ground for the construction, work was piling up at the office.

I placed a bowl of congee in the microwave for Wat to heat up. Coffee, buttered toast, a bowl of fruit and boiled eggs were laid out on a tray.

I looked at my handiwork, satisfied. I booked a taxi for the office. I did not want to take the chance of my car being spotted and followed.

My phone chimed. The driver was near.

I looked at Wat sleeping peacefully and wanted nothing more than to snuggle up beside him. I picked up my bag and my jacket, and bent down to kiss Wat's cheek.

He opened his eyes, blinking slowly. I lovingly pushed his hair off his eyes with my fingers.

"Good morning, my love" he said sleepily.

"Hey you. I'm headed out to the office. I'll call you later, okay?" I said and kissed the tip of his nose.

He pulled me back for a kiss that left us both breathless.

"Come back home to me quickly" he said.

I nodded. He made it so hard for me to leave.

Stay strong, Tine.


The morning went by in a flurry of meetings. The Master called me in to check on Wat.

"He's recovering slowly but steadily, Master. Type said he'll do a final sweep of his apartment today. He will probably give the all-clear for him to move back in tomorrow" I said.

My heart felt heavy as I spoke but it was the right thing for Win. He needed to be comfortably back at home with his Daddy.

The Master nodded. "Please ask Type to spare no expense in securing his apartment. We need Winnie to be 100% safe in his own home. Any news on the attacker?"

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