The new regime

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Enid's pov:

I had just woken up at 5:30 am for a big day.The day when I may finally get to join my brother,Noah on A-Troupe but I did fail last year but hopefully this year will be different.I had showered before going to pick out a outfit dance,I picked out a simple pair of purple leggings and matching sports bra with a loose pain pink on top.I went down stairs to where my mum was which was in the kitchen since she made me and my brothers breakfast for the day since it was a big day for me and one of my brothers.I grabbed two pieces of toast while thanking my mum before I went back to my room to do my hair which I just put in a basic high pony before I put the last few things in my dance bag.I added a spare water bottle just in case and some money because I would probably get a drink for natural grounds as the smoothie Cafe had changed its name again.I carried my dance bag Downstairs before putting my trainers and my jacket on before I saw Noah stood by the door waiting.After we left the house,Noah was asking if I was neavous to audition which I said"yeah,I didn't even make A troupe last year and I dont want to be in J troupe for all my life at the next step" as Noah laughs before we talked all the way to the next step.As walked into the brand new studio 1, I see grey brick walls with odd blue bits on it which looked amazing,they was mirrors facing us that had lights at the back of them.As I turned i saw a big block of windows with pink frames with a door that revealed the new office.Above the windows their was pretty pictures of female dancers doing different moves.There was a total of three mirrors in the room, a few bars for ballet around the room and there was a little grey brench by the windows.This new studio looked so beautiful,I couldn't wait to dance in this room,it was so prefect.

Piper taking head-After we loses regionals,miss Kate promised us big changes.This new studio is just the beginning.

Richelle talking head-Studo 1 is a fresh,new and inspiring space.Its exactly what we need to get Tns back on top.

Amy talking head-Its been eight months since we lost and now we are getting ready for regionals all over again.Today is A troupe auditions and no one's spot is safe.

Piper talking head- some many people decided to move on since we lost more Cassie,Athie.Big changes.

I started talking to started to talk to some of A troupes from last year since I knew them though my brother and getting to know some new faces.Mainly talking to Ozzy since he was also from J troupe like me before I went to  warm up beside the brench.I was wondered who the studio head would be since the previous one Riley stepped down to go business school but I do hope they are nice and really good at dance.As I was just about to finished warming up, I heard Emily shouting for all our attention as I stood up looking other at her like everyone else."Everyone,gather around" she said as we all gathered around."As most of you know,I'm Emily former A troupe member and former dance captain and now you new studio head"Emily told us happy about being the studio head as we all clapped,if Emily was studio head than she will be tough on us but we will win regionals with her as the studio head.We all stopped clapping as Emily says"okay,okay,I have one more big accounment to make.I have also gone ahead and hired the best cheographer  in the business.Everyone please welcome " as she turned with the her hand out to the door"Daniel!" She said as Daniel came walking into studio 1,This is great Daniel is an amazing dancer so he's gonna be amazing at teaching us the dances."Hi everyone,welcome to the A troupe auditions"Daniel says.Emily started to talk again"we plan to have the best A troupe the next step has ever seen" as Daniel adds"let's go".I warned up a bit but was saw my brother talking to a girl who looked like the girl who he kept talking about from the ballet work shop he went to.We all started to go to the sides so people can dance,after a while of warming up and Emily with Daniel wtaching everyone carefully.

"Alright everyone,we are about ready to begin,gather around"Daniel says before Emily says"things are gonna be done different this year,I'm going to divide you into groups and the first group is"Omg i getting kinda nervous now"Ozzy, Alexandera,Kelvin,Enid,Jasmine and Letroy"Emily say meaning that I will be one of the first to audition.Emily and Daniel kept looking at each other before they look at the group of us before Emily says"thank you so much for coming,both Daniel and I really appreciate it.Unfounately we are not going to being asking an of you to dance today but we will be more than happy to have to see you on our B Troupe.Thank you so much for coming"What I didn't even get to dance,I guess B troupe is still a step up from J troupe but I thought this would be my year to prove I'm not just Noah's sister.Amy says"what's!that's crazy you didn't event let aud-"before she stops because Emily and Daniel was looking at her."Are you seaous" Latroy says before Daniel repiled with"as we said thank you for coming if you could grab your things from the locker room.We need to get going"I left with the other in the group not without looking at Noah who was confused why I didn't get to try out.

I sat in the locker room after getting my dance bag waiting for Noah hoping at least he made it on to A troup.As lots of dancers started to pour into the room who didn't make the troupe.Skylar think it was,the dance Captain of last session stromps in saying"you got to be kidding me.B Troupe,you ever heard of a dance captain being moved down to B troupe"she was saying as she grabbed her stuff to leave"This is a mistake "she says in anger before leaving.I felt bad for her she went from the highest respected member of A Troupe to B troupe.I guess not getting to dance at audition wasn't the worse thing that happen to any of us today.As Amy walked,Latroy stood up "you got cut too right"he asked her as Amy nodded than one of the new faces,Joe no Josh I think walked past"I was so close"he said as we all looked at him."I have never been kicked from a compative team before"Amy says as lots of the former A troupea such as henry,Latroy and Amy looked upset and lost before henry says"I'm honestly glad b troupe trains in studio A"as we all look over at him"we means I have less chances of running into Jacquie"who was this Jacquie wait she is the girl that Noah met at ballet workshops.I wonder why Henry didn't want to be around her."and with the way, Emily is running the studio,I'm not even sure if I want to be here anymore.i mean B troupe,what's the point"Latroy says,I get what he means since he went from A to B while to me it was kinda a step up.I got up when Noah texted saying he was done and said bye to everyone in the locker room to walk home with Noah.I guess B troupe isn't bad for me,I am higher than I was in J Troupe,there's amazing people there who i know myself or though Noah and some new faces but I guess im still stuck as just Noah's little sister who isn't as good as him.

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