dance,lies and hoverboards

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Enid's pov:

We was all in studio A watching a video on Kingston's phone of some of his dance videos that he posted online."alright guys,Amy has some cheography to show you guys so go spead out and learn it"Michelle tells us as go done  when Kingston moved Henry out the way so he can be in the front row.that was kinda rude"okay so first off,I gonna show you the moves than we do it with music"Amy says as we all noodded ready"ok so start of with a inside pilote  and go pipeoray,bop, step,hit,hit,you go hit she Co, ball change,"Amy carried on though the cheo as Kingston was failing to do any of the moves."okay let's do it with the music.5...6...7...8"Amy said as we did the cheo to music but Kingston did some werid moves,he clearly was lieing about miss Abigail's dance school of dance or dance academy of dance.Acually what type of name did he make up."okay,keep going with the cheo and Kingston come over here for a second" amy said before they went to corner after a little while Michelle speaks up"okay guys,great but we are gonna take a five minute break than come back and resheal again okay?" As we all left but Michelle west and Kingston.

Down in netural grounds we was all sat down talking"Kingston is really not as good as he said he is"Latroy says before Amy says"yeah he didn't know what I was even talking about".we talked a little bit more about Kingston before deciding that he was lieing about his studio training and headed back go studio A.

*After a one and half hours of practice* 

I had decided since I haven't really danced by myself for a while I would just dance in studio A since no one was really around.I put my shoes by a bench and started dancing(starts at 0:25)

After I was nearly finished dancing ,my older brother walked in"that's amazing en"noah says as he smiled at me"thanks do you have baby ballet to teach now?"I asked knowing that my brother normally taught it since he is amazing at all styles including ballet."yup I have it for an hour so you will have to carry on home or wait for me"he repiled before he moved the bar out into the middle of the room.I helped him"I will carry on home since I am walking with Piper as she lives near us"i said before me and Noah hugged and said bye.I grabbed my bag and put  my shoes on and went down to netural grounds"hey"I say when I spot  Piper talking with Amy.Even though me and Piper are on opsite troupes I had became friends with her when they was a party at the next step after they won internationals since both of us had a older brother who was on the team."hey"Piper and Amy said before Amy left with her mum.Me and Piper got a smoothie each before we started walking home"what's Tns West like cause Amy doesn't really talk about it?"Piper asked me before I repiled "it's really fun, and we all feel like a team,what's Tns east like than?"."it's good but it's has a lot of acro based moves which I can't do so Noah helped me change it early but hard is good because it helps"Piper said as we finished our smoothies and binned them in a bin as we walked along the street.We talked for a while about both of Tns West and East before we got to Piper's house and said bye to each other than i walked to my house. 

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