Chap: ~1~

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3rd POV

Oikawa Tōru walked into music room #3, a smile on his face as his arms linked with his best friend Tamaki Suoh. He was greeted with the twins talking amongst themselves, Honey having a tea-party with Mori and Kyoya doing homework in the corner of the room. The host club had been assembled about a month ago by Tamaki, and of course, he ran off to ask Oikawa first. And slowly but surely, Tamaki ended up gathering members. They're all starting to open up and trust the two prince like specimens.

The club has been quite a success, many young ladies, or princesses as Oikawa and Tamaki call them, have started coming to the club. Everyone already had their fair share of regular customers, but Oikawa and Tamaki had the most by far, with their stunningly good looks, to their flirtatious personalities as well as the playful flirting they do to each other, for the princesses entertainment and their own amusement.

Oikawa gave Tamaki a smile, and they all got into position, ready to greet the young ladies. Ladies filled the room as the hosts made way to a table of their preference, as they talked to their regulars.

Oikawa and Tamaki lead the 6 girls that usually joined them to a table close to the middle of the room, and sat down.

"So, Oikawa-senpai, how do you do your hair? It looks so amazing and fluffy, what products do you use?" - ###

"Well, you see princesses, every morning i get up and think that i need to look my absolute best for all you beautiful and amazing young ladies. So i buy the best toiletries i could find to make my hair look even remotely close to how amazing you all are!" - Oikawa

The girls blushed, and Oikawa picked up the girls hand whom had asked the question, and kissed it softly. He let go of her hand and winked at the girls, causing them to squeal and fan girl.

"Tamaki-san, what kind of cologne do you use? You smell awfully wonderful, just like syrup and cherries" - ###

"Why thank you princess! I use only the best to impress such fine ladies like yourselves! My cologne was transported all the way from Italy, its one of their best brands! I wanted to smell amazing just to impress ypu princesses" - Tamaki

Tamaki smiled at the girls, and pulled the same stunt as Oikawa, by winking at them and kissing their hand. Oikawa put his chin under Tamaki's and rose his chin just enough so their eyes meet.

"You could never let me down Tamaki-san" - Oikawa

Oikawa looked into Tamaki's eyes. Both of their eyes shining like crystals.

"As could you Oikawa-senpai" - Tamaki

Tamaki put his hand on Oikawa's cheek and his hand on Oikawa's hip.

The girls squealed at them and gushing over how cute they are. The rest of club activities went on like this as the day passed.

It has now been almost a full year, and the host club are as tight as glue. But it seems Oikawa's parents aren't to happy about that.


Who is the most attractive male in OHSHC in your opinion?

Hey there. This is my first OHSHC. I haven't watched ohshc in a while, but im trying my best to make it as realistic as possible. Anyways, the next chapter will also be a flashback of how Oikawa was with the Host club, and then the 3rd episode is the original timeline.

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