Chap: ~2~

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3rd POV

Club activities had ended for the day. It was getting close to the end of year exams. All clubs would be put off until exams end. School will end a week after exams are finished and the clubs can open for that last week.

Everyone in the club was packing up and cleaning up a mess made in the process of Oikawa trying to make tea independently, but instead forgot to boil the kettle and put a teaspoon of coffee into the cup instead of a tea bag. He somehow managed to knock off one of the china tea cups. The club collectively decided to never let Oikawa make tea ever again.

They were just about finished when an angry woman burst through the door, slamming it open and a male trailing behind her like a lost but scared puppy.

"Mom!?" - Oikawa

"Tōru! What are you doing in this club of yours!? Huh!? Fuxking with women like a slut!?" - Oikawa's mom

"Ma'am, we don't do anything even remotely close to-" - Kyoya

Kyoya was cut off with a slap to the face from Oikawa's mother. Everyone stood dead still in the room, mouth agape.

"Oikawa Tōru, you will NEVER see these so called 'friends' of yours EVER again. Am i clear?" - Oikawa's mom

"But mo-" - Oikawa

"AM I CLEAR!?" - Oikawa's mom

Oikawa looked down, tears welling in his eyes. He quickly wiped them.

"Yes mother.." - Oikawa

"Good. If i see you near ANY of these prostitutes EVER again, i will lock you in that room of yours and you will NEVER see the light of day again. You are to study for these exams for the next few days, and as soon as a receive tour report. You will leave this disgusting place." - Oikawa's mom

Oikawa was about to walk to her when Kyoya and Tamaki stepped in front of him.

"I'm sorry ma'am, we cannot allow you to take him. Locking him in his room forever is a form of trauma, and isolating your son from the world will not only make him dependent when social skills are needed, but will cause his trust in you to drop by a whopping 100%. If im correct, his trust in you right now is only about 40%."
- Kyoya

"What are you talking about? He trusts me, right Tōru?"
- Oikawa's mom

Oikawa hung his head lower and clinged onto Tamaki, hugging him tightly. Tamaki hugged him back, whispering sweet nothings into his ears to keep his mind off of the situation.

"Well ma'am if i am correct, Oikawa had come out to you as a bisexual specimen. But from what he's told us, you think we are influencing him, and that it is, and i quote 'just a phase'. that was when the 75% of trust he had in you dropped to 40%." - Kyoya

"75%, why only 75. Why wasn't it 100?" - Oikawa's mom

"No child trusts their parents completely, thats why kids often keep secrets from their parents. 75% is the average like span directed at a parent from a child." - Kyoya

"That is ridiculous. Tōru. Here. NOW." - Oikawa's mom

Oikawa jumped and pushed Tamaki away, and walking to his mother like an obedient puppy.

Oikawa's mother patted his head in victory.

"Now, Tōru, lets get home so you can start studying. Bye sluts. See you never."
- Oikawa's mom

Oikawa's mother walked away, her husband patting Oikawa's back and trailing behind her. Oikawa looked back with a sad smile and teary eyes.

"Kawa-chan.." - Honey

Oikawa ran after his mother before she shouted at him again.

Oikawa then avoided everyone from the host club, and after exams, he wasn't seen at Ouran again.


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Okay, end of the flashbacks. Next chapter is actually the original timeline! And the children only trust their parents 75% is not real. I made this up. But hey, my au, my facts right?

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