Chap: ~4~

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3rd POV

Aoba Johsai were facing Karasuno, and were one point away from winning. Once again. One point away from winning the match. It was Oikawa's turn to serve. He looked at Iwaizumi for reassurance, and he got a stern nod. Oikawa closed his eyes. He would put his everything into this serve, and he would win the game for his team.

He took a deep breath. He threw the ball and jumped as high as possible, pushing all his power into the ball as soon as it connected to his hand.

SLAM Was heard throughout the gym. Oikawa looked up to see Karasuno's libero on the floor stretching his arm out. The score board(?) was flipped and there in all its glory showed 30 - 28.

Oikawa smiled the brightest he had all year. He ran of to Iwaizumi and hugged him, capturing him in a huge bear hug.

The teams lined up and they all shook hands. Oikawa sighed and smiled once again, and went to refill his water bottle. He walked outside and came close to the nearest tap. He filled his water bottle and then let his head rinse under the tap. He grabbed the towel around his neck and dried his hair briefly, so it wouldn't aggravate him with constant dripping.

He took a gulp of water in his mouth and sighed. It was a tough game. That's for sure.

He put his water bottle back in his bag, and got ready to approach his team and congratulate them as their team captain.

He was about to open the gym doors when someone had pulled his hand back. He whipped his head around only to be greeted by a smiling Tamaki. Oikawa's eyes widened as tears formed in the corner of his eyes. He jumped onto Tamaki, causing both of them to fall to the ground. They hugged each other as tight as one can. They both didn't realize the tears flowing down their cheeks as the laid there.

Tamaki put his hands on Oikawa's cheeks, squeezing them slightly.

"You can't just leave me like that Tōru.. I missed you!"
- Tamaki

"I'm Sorry Tamaki-sama... Im so sorry..! I missed you so so much.. Okaasan said i couldn't see you...!" - Oikawa

They both hugged each other as tight as possible.

"Well isn't this just a heartwarming sight." - Kyoya

Oikawa's head snapped up to see the whole host club. He quickly picked himself up and launched himself at the group of boys.

He pounced on Kyoya and hugged him tightly. Kyoya hugged back, lightly tapping his back. Then Honey joined in, followed by the twins and finally Mori. And then Tamaki pounced on all of them.

They laughed and Oikawa smiled at them.

"I missed you all so much!"
- Oikawa

"We missed you too Oikawa-senpai!" - Twins

"As did i Oikawa-san" - Kyoya

"I missed you too Kawa-chan!"
- Honey

Honey jumped onto him, climbing his way up to Oikawa's shoulders and patting his head. Oikawa chuckled and grabbed his legs.

"I missed you as well" - Mori

Oikawa gave them a big smile, but finally noticed someone standing behind everyone. He walked up to Tamaki.

"Is this a new member?"
- Oikawa

"Yup! That's Haruhi! My child!" - Tamaki

"CHILD!? You never told me you had a child!?" - Oikawa

Haruhi sighed and walked up to him.

"Ignore him, Im Haruhi, a new member of the host club. I only joined since i have to pay off a debt of eight million yen."
- Haruhi

"Ah, debt huh? You must be a 'commoner' as they call it. Im Oikawa! I used to be part of the host club before i transferred for.. reasons." - Oikawa

"Ah.. Yes Tamaki-senpai told me. You seemed like a nice guy." - Haruhi

Oikawa gave her a smile and she returned it. Oikawa then turned to Tamaki.

"Tamaki, why did you force a girl to join the host club?"
- Oikawa

"WHAT! You could already tell?!" - Tamaki

"I love you Tamaki, but your an idiot. If you pay close attention, you can see female features on her. She has clear skin, big eyes, and has a feminine figure. Males can look feminine, but the most feminine i've ever seen is Hinata Shōyō, a player from a different team."
- Oikawa

Tamaki went into his corner growing mushrooms. Oikawa chuckled.

"He still does that?" - Oikawa

"Sigh Sadly." - Kyoya

"You knew she was a girl from the start didn't you?"
- Oikawa

"Yes i did." - Kyoya

"Thought so. Tamaki is the only one dense enough to not notice." - Oikawa

"Indeed." - Kyoya

Honey ended up falling asleep on Oikawa's shoulders, and dug his face in Oikawa's hair. Oikawa chuckled.



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