The Party Day!

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It felt good to wear normal clothes and not a uniform. I picked out what I would wear, gathered my books, put them in my book bag, took a shower, did my hair and ran down stairs for toasted PB&J sandwich which I made for myself.

I shoved it into my mouth and grabbed my phone.
"We are leaving in five minutes, Hatsune." Called a guard.
I didn't respond but I looked up from my conversation with Rin and Len on our group chat to see a hung over Supervisor drinking some water and messing on his laptop then a strange feeling over came me and for a second my body didn't feel anything. But it was only a second and everything was normal after that.

'Serves him right.' I thought and got in the car for school thinking of my hung over survivor. Once there I texted them my goodbyes and Len reminded me to hang around the "right" crowd.

I put my books in my locker and headed for Biology. Sasuke didn't talk to me at all. It was like he was mad at me. But Kiba talked to me. He said I looked cute in my clothes. I'm not going to describe them because there is a picture for that.

Next class was with Kakashi and me and Naruto talked the whole time about what happened yesterday. Kakashi still didn't care we were all talking.

"So he was drunk off his ass." Naruto laughed not paying attention to much about the fact I was stabbed. But hey, it is Naruto we are talking about.
"But now I can't come to the party." I sighed.
"Sure you can." He said.
"Really?" I perked up.
"Yeah, we can sneak you out, past your guards on the first floor. You can go through the window and I can catch you then you can come over to my house." Naruto planned.

"I never snuck out of a house before." I told him. Then I thought of Len's words of advice but blocked them out of my head because I know every girl should have the right to party. We agreed and after class I headed straight for Calculus. Nobody I knew was in calculus so I played with my pencil the whole time. It was very boring and yet still better than my private school.

At english, I basically talked to Naruto when I could and took notes and did homework from other classes because I knew what the teacher was teaching. 'Today is a lot more boring than yesterday.'I thought but jumped for joy when I remembered the party was today.

As I started walking towards lunch I accidentally bumped right into a crowd. Then I noticed the majority of them were boys.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I said and turned around to leave but one of them grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. He gulped and said, "You can hang with us at lunch if you want."
'Oh gosh awkward situations.' I thought but smartly said, "Oh, well I'm already booked with some of my friends so maybe next time." I waved and left to the cafeteria. I left a very disappointed look on their faces and I felt bad.

I got the cafeteria and got my lunch. It wasn't hard to find my table because of an over excited Naruto was waving widely. I smiled because a Naruto can brighten anyone's bad day.

I walked over and placed my tray by Naruto's and saw the usual gang was at the table talking excitedly.
"OMGosh Ino, at the party I'm going to wear my new cutest outfit and get Sasuke to Love me." Sakura was saying as I sat down and as soon as I say down Ino squeled, "Ah! Miku you need to help me shop today. I don't have an outfit yet!" I sighed and said.
"Sorry Ino I'm grounded to my room."
"Than how are you going to the party?" She asked me while crossing her arms.

I leaned into the table and whispered to everyone.
"Naruto said he is going to sneak me out." Most of them snickered but Sakura and Hinata were shocked.
"M-Mi-Miku what if you get caught?" Hinata asked worried.
"But they aren't going to as long as we sneak her back by 4:30." Naruto said proudly.
"T-That's good Naruto." Hinata said blushly madly.
'Awww, Hinata likes him.' I thought.

We all started to finish lunch and my thoughts shifted to Sasuke for no reason. 'He sure is mean today. I wonder why. I hope he still likes me.' I frowned and threw out my food. Sakura and Ino were fighting over him again. 'If he doesn't like the fact they fight over him he should say something.' I thought and felt less bad for him because he should figure it out for himself. We all said goodbye and left for our classes.

For the rest of the day I didn't really talk to anybody but I did see Karin and when she saw me lightning flashed between our eyes and I flicked her off. She got very red and very mad. But I continued my school day like nothing happened. The boys keep trying to talk to me and it was kinda annoying when you are trying to get somewhere.

After school Naruto offered to drive me home but I couldn't accept because my guards would be angry so I said no thank you and got into my guard's car. Once home I locked myself in my room and did homework and I was finished a whole 1 hour early before Naruto was to come. I faked slept and when they checked on my everything was all good. Once they left I got up and sat by the window and waited for Naruto.

I made this chapter short because the next chapter is going to be super long! Plus it's not important besides it shows Sasuke was mad at Miku for some currently unknown reason.

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