The Concert

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To watch the concert, go on YouTube through the link above. HINT: THE LYCRIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE EMTION OF THE SCENE IN THE STORY!!!

The next morning I was surprised to see my supervisor awake at my bed side.
"Here is the deal. If you do good at the concert tonight. You'll be ungrounded." I looked at him then smiled saying, "Okay, deal."

Yeah I was still angry and sad but reasoned, anything to get out of this house. He handed me the songs name and I read t and nodded. It was a new song but I already knew it by heart.

I waited and waited till 7:00 rolled around and when it finally did we headed towards the concert area. My body guards completely stopped talking to me. I sighed as I got out because I saw a very angry Luka and sad Rin and Len.

Rin ran up and hugged me. "I was so worried..." She started to cry and I did too. Len was a little away but he joined in on the hug.

"Kagamine twins! Your up!" Hey went did there make up and went to preform.

During this time Luka walked over to me and said, "I don't know what has gotten into you but whatever is you need to stop. You are scaring Rin and hurting Len." I looked towards the ground and sighed. I could still tell she was angry with me but she had to go do her songs.

Then I heard a familiar voice. "WHERE IS MIKU!" The voice yelled and it was NARUTO! I smiled and thought of my friends cheering me on. Then the crowd started to chant my name. I smiled and the assistant walked to me and said your doing World's End dance hall with Luka. I nodded and went on stage.

#_Sasuke's POV_#

The songs all of Miku's friends did but nothing compared to Miku songs. When she first came on the stage with Luka (I was told by Naruto that was her name) the crowd jumped out of there seats and roared with happiness and nothing even happened yet.

She waved to her fans and they all cheered back. Some boys even nose bled. I shot them a glare but couldn't figure out my sudden burst of emotion.

Miku looked at our group and noticed Ino wasn't there. She had important shopping to do with her mother and couldn't make it and Sakura made sure to rub it in over the phone that me and Sakura were on a date.

When the crowd settled down the music started playing and Miku and Luka started to dance.

Their body movements were almost hypnotic and I even started to sway along with the rhythm of the song. The rest of the crowd either danced or jumped up and down with glow sticks like Naruto (who I might note with completely covered with glow sticks and looked like a walking green sun).

But nothing compared to when they sang. It was so in key. So balanced that even Sakura tried to sing along. She didn't even like Miku a lot because of girl rivalry. I had a feeling Miku doesn't even know what girl rivalry is.

All of the songs Miku did where amazing. She is so beautiful up there... wait what am I thinking. I shook my head and got the crazy thoughts out of my head and enjoyed the music like the rest of her fans.

On the car ride home Naruto made sure I bought her album on iTunes. It was very good. Sakura copied me of course.

#_Miku POV_#

"Wow! That was amazing!" Rin said cheerfully as we got ready to leave.
"Yeah." I agreed. I was worn out. It was a lot of work.

"GUESS WHAT GURLS!" Len said running over to Rin, Luka and I who were ver startled.

"What is it?" Luka asked and Len said, "We are doing a concert at Miku's SCHOOL!" Len shouted.

"Woah! What day and time?" Rin asked.
"Monday at the beginning of school." Len said finally calming down.

"But where?" I asked.
Len laughed and said,
"On the ROOF!"

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