(If u wanna make it even more sad,this part is sad tho.put "take care slower"u don't have to,I guess it will make u cry)
I was walking home from school I was so tired I can't wait to go home and see my parents
They said we will go to olive gardens Yay
I continue walking with this hot weather The sun shining on my face Sweating abit I wipe my face with my long sleeves shirt Ik why am I where long sleeves on this weather I really don't know tho
After 5 mins of walking I finally reach my block where I live Then I saw a fire truck and a ambulance and polices enter MY HOUSE
I run to my house "MOM,DAD!" Then a police came up to me "Is this ur house" "Yes,my parents are in there,what happened?!" "I'm sorry but ur house was caught on fire and ur parents didn't make it outside to get out the house and they died"
When u heard those words I drop down the floor "Noo noo!plz no u have to do sum thing!!no not my parents!" I started to cry so much "No no no!!" I kept on crying
What am I going to do now I can't live without my parents no!Why?!!😖😭
"C-can I plz see them" While I was still crying "They are already dead but I guess u can see them for the last time" I kept on crying I will miss them so much
I stand up while still crying "Why?!why does this have to happen to me" I kept on crying "Ur gonna be ok" "I'm not,where am I going to do I can't live alone I don't like living alone" "U can live with ur other family members" "I d-don't have family around here,they live at the other side of the world" I was still crying
"Oh,well I'll be right back ok,but ur going to be ok" The police leaves me I kept on crying I don't know what I am going to do I don't like living alone And if I still live in this house I'll bring me memories of me and my parents,I grew up with this house
I just kept on cry "Why?!" Then I try to calm myself down "Noo😭I just can't why my parents!" I just couldn't stop crying
I calmed myself down I took a deep breath "U can get through this y/n"🥺
Then the same police came up to me "Ok I know where ur gonna stay,u have two choices" "Mhm" "U can either go to the adoption center or live with other kids,their parents died too" I didn't want to get adopted it just won't be the same And live with kids Their will be girls there too I guess so we can be friends and stuff "Umm live with kids" "Ok,well I have to do sum work to do but I can get u to the house" "But my stuff" "Oh their all burnt up" I putted a sad face Literally all my stuff burned "Cmon" I look at my house and close my eyes I whisper "Bye bye house" And I turn around and follow the police
I got into the police car and drives to this huge ass house
It looks like this:
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I guess it's a mansion "We're here" "Wow the house is big" "Yup,there only 5 or 6 kids living in here,the rooms are kinda big " "Oh ok" Me and the police officer get out the car "Here" He opens the house obeys he has keys for the house "Kids come here,come in" I go inside the house
"Wow the inside is big too" "Yes"
I then saw kids go run downstairs
___________________________________ Ahhh the beginning was awful ik,sad
But Ima focus on this story for now But I'll still post on my other story's But I'll post here more actually
But hope u guys like it Next part is coming Bye 😚✌🏻