Chapter II: A feast of bad fortuna - Percy

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The party was a success. Thanks to Thalia (who managed to catch Artemis in a good mood), the moon gleamed brightly. Even Terminus, the killer-strict statue, seemed to have an okay time asking the guests from Camp Half Blood to surrender their weapons "or else". I, on the other hand, probably had the best time I've ever had. I did feel a little self-conscious as I heaped my plate with a blue burger and a matching soft drink, but then Frank tripped over his praetor robes, landing on Hazel's lap as a full-feathered peacock. As a red fiercer than Rachel's hair spread over their faces, I attacked my double-stack like it was a drakon, leading a second round of applause from the crowd.

I remember a haze of activities, and tons of laughter. I stuck by Annabeth's side for the first few hours - until Jason dragged me off laughing about something funny that Leo was making. I can still vaguely see the reassuring smile she shot me from across the dining hall, with the worry creases etched into her forehead almost disappearing through it. I had smiled back, remembering my promise never to leave her. As I left.

It was suffocating in the party. Leo was at the center of attention (and, to my surprise, playing music).

"Hey, dude, music's our thing!" a group of Apollo kids ranted, with Will Solace at the center. I was surprised to see Nico beside him, gripping onto Will's T-shirt and grinning like a maniac.

"Do you know that Apollo, himself, requested this instrument? The valdezinator is, like pure harmony." a group of Cabin 7 girls swooned over Leo's intricate fingerings.

Will muttered under his breath, and suddenly Leo looked stunned. "What did you say, sun guy? Repeat it, or you will die." blushing, Leo spoke again, "Did that rhyme? What did you do this time?" the audience went into hysterics as the rhyming curse Will had set on Leo droned on.

I excused myself to get some food, deciding that I should find Annabeth. Even an hour without her was too long.

Silently hoping no more attention would be attracted towards me, I padded towards the dining pavilion. Seeing a figure with a heaping mass of blonde hair standing by the punch bowl, I ran faster to reach Annabeth. Reaching my arm forward, I briefly wondered if I would judo-flip her. A sweet memory it would bring up, but I didn't want to startle her into thinking she was getting attacked. Instead, I tapped her shoulder. With the girl turning around, I felt my tanned face going hot. Good thing I didn't flip her, because she was just a random New-Roman citizen.

Where was Annabeth?

For a few minutes, I wandered aimlessly to find her. The party wasn't covering much ground, so it should've been simple to see her through the crowd.

I felt a bit panicky as the minutes wore on. Annie knows how to take care of herself... I repeated in worry. She's perfectly fine, gods Percy, stop being such an over-protective boyfriend.

Shaking off my pointless thoughts, I walked back to the party in a trance. My vision blurred in agonizing fear for Annabeth, a haze coating my sight I watched as Jason wade through the crowds towards me.

Feeling back to my senses, I realized, with a start, that Jason was propping up a sagging Annabeth. "Oh gods.." I muttered, hurtling to my blonde cousin. Water began flushing up from everywhere; the tiny cracks in the pavement bubbled up; plants slacked down as water seeped out of them; the pipes running underground poured like an ocean.

Jason's purple praetor robed flew in the breeze as he rushed through the crowd. Wait.. I thought, slowing down. Praetor robes? Jason had retired from his ruling of New-Rome during their travels in the Argo II. Why was he wearing his robes?

I stopped in my tracks.

The blonde hair. The purple robes. And most strangely, a decapitated teddy bear draped across Annabeth's ponytail. He was supposed to be dead. But, of course, Octavian just needed to have a grand appearance.

Grand it was; perfect along with a seething sea of monsters writhing behind him.

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