The Party

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A/n: Just before I get into the next chapter I have some things to say and to clear up about the fic
• When Pippin was changed into the dragon necklace at the beginning, it does not hurt her haha, much like the transfiguration, turning animals into water goblets.
• It has been said that (Y/n) has been to Azkaban - yes but only when she was really young, during an investigation of the family.
The outfits that I post (I feel like I have gotten better) is just what I picture the character wearing. But since a lot of hate/negativity has been commented, not only to me but to others, I have decided to take out all the outfits I can find (apart from the Yule ball one) I will not be posting another outfit design unless I am told to - and if I do decide to, since we are now at the time that Voldemort has returned, it will be mostly dark, steampunk/gothic/Wiccan style outfits.
Jumping off that fact, I have also see a lot of people spreading hate in general - by all means, dm me is you have an idea or want me to think about changing something, I am open to constructive criticism.
• Yes Ember is a character that you either hate or love. She is my Rita Skeeter. I was gonna have her be married to Barry Crouch Jr but decided against it. And no she doesn't want Draco 🤣 she likes her little sister and dragon boy together. I have a plan for her - she may die she may not, but all will be revealed!
• I know updating has been extremely slow and it made my day on the comments on the last chapter - how people were excited that I updated 🤣 but I have been really struggling with mental health - but I will get back I promise - just gradually
• And lastly, I need some decisions on Umbridge, is she going to A) Hate (Y/n) and be harsh, B) Be overly kind and sweet to her or C) Be scared of her.
• As well as Dumbledore's army or no?
Right that's me done, here's the chapter!:

(Y/n)'s POV

When me and Draco made our way down the stairs, we were greeted by all sorts of characters.

But we soon managed to find our way to our parents.

"(Y/n) darling!" My mother encaged me in her arms. "Hello mum!" I managed to squeak out with whatever breath that hadn't been crushed out of my body.

When we parted, I could tell she didn't look quite like herself. Definitely more tired and her hair seemed duller.

'That's probably what happens when hanging around Voldemort'

I soon started to see my house and classmates turn up. Not a big surprise as I'm sure all formed Death Eaters are probably here, and all of their children, I'd say were sorted into Slytherin.

For their Dark Lord rising again, it didn't seem much like a party....more like a funeral.

'Can these people not smile?'

I saw Draco making his way to the hors d'œuvres table and decided to follow him.

Every type of snack and savoury you could think of were in this table.

"Geez how much food does your parents think we'd need?" I chuckled grabbing a plate.

"No idea, but Crabbe and Goyle are here so I don't think it would go to waste" Draco shrugged, getting a plate for himself.

-Time skip brought to you by The Doctor and Hermione disagreeing about Time Travel -

The party went pretty quickly. People came up to me and my mother congratulating us.....bowing like we were royals.

I spent most of the party with Draco, hanging around the other Slytherins. I saw Blaise and Sasha talking in the corner.

To my absolute pleasure, Pansy had not turned up!

But all in all, it went better than I expected. Now however, was late supper with the Malfoy's and me and mother.

We all ate in a thick silence, so I decided to break it.

"So what happens now?" Both Draco and his mother just looked at me then each other, whilst Lucius cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Now, the Dark Lord will reforge the army he once had, and we will be by his side" he didn't say anymore, nor ask if I even wanted to be apart of it.

I suppose I have no choice.

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader} (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now