Chapter 1; Welcome back!

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ok so can you guys pm me wholesome ingame saiouma fanart because i cant find many for some reason-
i stg itS FOT THE BOOK-


"Maki!!" Shuichi screamed out as the brunette tightened her grip around Kokichi's neck. "Let go of him!!"


Shuichi groaned and instinctively reached to his side for his gun, but sadly was met only with air. Oh, yeah. Dream. He has no gun in the real world..
At least, not yet.

Kaito put his hand on Maki's shoulder only to be shoved away and fall to the floor on his ass. They were getting nowhere, and Kokichi's lips were growing to be the same shade as his hair.

And so, with no other choice, Shuichi charged forward and basically tackled Maki, making her lose her grip. "Shuichi?! When'd ya learn how to do that?!" That was Kaito, of course,"I don't remember making self-defence a part of our training yet.."

Maki huffed and pushed herself off the ground, Shuichi did the same.

Tsumugi stood from her chair next to Gonta where they watched the scene.
"Saihara.. You're the Ultimate Detective! Don't you see what he's doing to you?"
"No, I literally don't-"

Kokichi finally managed to get up, waddling over to Shuichi's side and clinging to his arm. Shuichi sighed and looked down at Kokichi with a soft smile - one that was gladly returned. "How about we sit down and Kokichi and I can explain what happened?"

"But Shumaiiiii, I was enjoying the excitement of everyone being confused and angry!"
"...You're really not helping your own case, Ouma-Kun.."
"I know!"

"Wait... Something happen between Ouma-San and Saihara-San?" Gonta spoke up, tilting his head innocently like the little bb he is.

Kokichi giggled,"Yuppers!!! Saihara-Chan and I were locked in a dream together! We were soulmates and criminals on the run who adopted a daughter before killing ourselves because-"
Shuichi sighed and cut Kokichi off,"How about we explain with more detail and a little bit slower..?"

insert the whole liar, liar book here

They had long since finished their breakfasts once they were done.

"So this is all Monokuma's fault?" Himiko spoke, tilting her head a bit. "I should've known!"

Miu laughed loudly, pointing at the two boys,"Haha! So you guys have fucked then?!"

Shuichi's face went red instantly.
Kokichi, however, only laughed,"Yup! Not like you would know what it's like considering how much of a slutty whore you are!"

"So.. Who's the bottom?!"
"Shumai is!"
"Wh-" Shuichi's face grew even warmer, and he instinctively reached for his hat. His hat was not there, obviously, so he ended up just awkwardly gripping his navy blue hair.
"I knew it!"
"I-I'm not- H-he's- I-" Shuichi stuttered more and more, practically unable to breathe at this point.
"Nishishi~ That was a lie~! I'm a power bottom!"

The blonde rolled her eyes,"Lying little shit!"

"That's me~!"

Miu sighed with an eye roll, ignoring Kokichi and climbing on top of her chair, then onto the table. "ALRIGHT! Listen up everyone! I was savin' this for when Cock-itchy and Poo-ichi were back, and you better listen 'cause it's important!"

Kokichi rolled his eyes and held onto Shuichi,"Why would any of us listen to a skanky bitch like you?"

"HEEEE! I-I just wanted to help us find a way to escape this place..! Y-you don't have to get all mad..!"

Shuichi sighed, patting Kokichi's head a bit to calm the violette down. "..How about you at least try and hear her out, Kichi?"
"Ugh, fine..!"

Himiko puffed, making her quiet high voice known in that magic. "You better let her talk Kokichi, or I'll make you quiet with my magic!"
"Oooh! I'm soooo scared!!"

"Anyways.." Miu turned back to her normal loud-mouthed immature personality, "I've found and edited a virtual world! It's a just like another crazy-ass fuckin' invention of mine! HA! I'm a genius! We can escape the killing game for a long time with that thing!"

This is when hell began once again.

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