Um hello

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I've come to the realization that I'm never ever going to complete this story
Instead of leaving y'all hanging

This chapter summarizes the plot of this book and the next one

The rest of this book takes place in the school
They go through the rest of the game
Shuichi watches kokichi die and is forced to keep the secret until he eventually cracks during the class trial and tells everyone what he saw (which was Kaito killing Kokichi)

Kaito is voted out

After this theres a sequence of events that I don't quite remember ngl

Then, on the final chapter (What..? The sequel) it was revealed that this was a virtual reality simulation. The teens were put into a coma-like state that lasted about a year and put through a virtual simulation of the events in V3.

Shuichi wakes up with Kokichi by his side and thinks he's dead and in the afterlife lmao

It's then revealed that all of the characters in the dream (see Liar, Liar) were real. Kyoko, Mondo, Nagito, Chihiro, and anyone else they encountered were all based off of real people.

Of course, seeing Kyoko gave Shuichi a panic attack.

However, after a while, Kokichi and Shuichi realize that if these people are real, then Mitsuko might be real too. And if she is, and she's currently in an abusive situation, then they wanted to save her.

The next book, which would be named Happiness was following the journey of Shuichi and Kokichi in their search of Mitsuko. They run into many familiar faces along the way, most notably Kyoko and Nagito, who are the main two who step up to help the duo in their search for their long-lost daughter.

Along the way they encounter many difficulties, including dr!g addictions, gambling addictions, and multiple near-death experiences.

However, they discover Mitsuko, blonde haired and blue eyed, in the care of her abusive single-mother and they knew exactly what to do.

They shot her mother.

And, in a desperate attempt to escape, the friendly Rantaro offers them his family's old and long-since abandoned cabin in the woods, halfway across the country.

Shuichi and Kokichi are eloped, and live with Mitsuko in happiness. They were luckily able to get Mitsuko into the school system, complementary of Kokichi's over-developed lying skills. She goes to college and eventually graduates and becomes a teacher.

Meanwhile, Kokichi and Shuichi grow old together, at peace.
A bit of a pre-written excerpt;

Their hair long-since turned gray. They looked into each other's eyes with a smile. Both Kokichi and Shuichi were old and withered, their faces covered in wrinkles and spots.

"Hey, Shumai?" Kokichi's voice was hoarse, as if he'd smoked a pack a day for the last fifteen years.
"Hm?" Shuichi hummed quietly.
There was a pause before Kokichi continued, his voice solemn and tired. "I... I think this is it for me."

Despite the implications of his words, Shuichi merely smiled and brought the delicate man closer to him. "Yeah, I think I've reached the end of my rope too, Grape."

"...I love you."
"I love you too.."

And with that, their eyes shut, never to be opened again.

The end.

I'm very sorry that I won't be finishing the story, and that this is so late that barely anyone will be seeing it. This story was a huge milestone in my life, and I continue to write to this day.

Currently I'm writing in the DSMP fandom. I'm aware that this fandom typically does not collide with Danganronpa, but on the off chance that a few of my readers are in both fandoms
My current account is @MaybeAngel7877 and I'd love to see you there

Thank you so much for being with me along the ride of my shitty writing, which has since improved drastically.

Ily all and I hope you're well /p

Signing off,

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