Chapter 3; Telling the others?

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Fun fact; the picture above was originally supposed to be the cover for Liar, Liar but it was changed last-minute.
Also this chapter mostly exists just for fluff ignore the plot

"That's a shit idea, Shumai-"
"K-Kokichi.. Hear me out, okay?!"

Kokichi was right, that was a shit idea. What was the whole point of having a secret plan that everyone knew about?

"Look, I don't mean about the mastermind part..!" Shuichi insisted, trying to get Kokichi to at least hear him out. "What if we told everyone about Miu's plan to kill you?"
Kokichi rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No-can-do, detective. If I wanna come off as evil - which I do - I have to make it look like I had set up many butterfly effects of manipulation! It's basic phycology, Shumaiiii~!"

It was at that moment that Kokichi had noticed the slightly sad look on his beloved's face. It wasn't that Shuichi didn't like his plan or think it was bad, he just wished it could be easier.. and that he wouldn't need to betray the trust of every classmate and friend that they have.
Kokichi let out a sigh and crawled closer to Shuichi, who was currently sitting on his bed, and sat sideways on his lap. The violette's arms wrapped around Shuichi's neck and helped bring them closer together.

He gave the taller a quick kiss on the lips. "Wipe that pout of your face, my beloved!" He smiled as he saw the small blush rise up to Shuichi's cheeks. "Maybe if the world was a better place we'd be able to tell everyone, but unfortunately people suck."
Shuichi let out a small sigh, finally giving into the warmth of cuddling that had tempted him and wrapping his arms around Kokichi's waist. "Yeah, I get it." He allowed a tiny smile slip onto his face, giving the shorter a quick peck on the nose. "It's alright, really, as long as it all works out."

Now it was the detective's turn to notice something. And he noticed that Kokichi began intently staring at his lips. Shuichi couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Y'know, if you want a kiss you could just ask."
Egged on, Kokichi spoke,"Can I have a kiss?"
"Of course."

And like that the gap between them was gone, and they kissed rather softly for as long as they could without needing air. And when they had pulled away, even Kokichi had a small hint of heat rising up to his cheeks. "I love you, Shumai.."
"I love you too, Kokichi.."

The door opened.

The two boys looked over to see a rather annoyed Maki, her arms crossed over her chest and a death glare on her face. Kokichi squeaked and fell to the floor with a loud bang.
"Miu wants us all to meet up in the computer lab." And with that the assassin left as if she had never been there.

Kokichi rubbed his back, which had directly hit the floor, letting out a small 'oww' in response to the pain that was brought to him.
"Kokichi!" Shuichi got down to the floor next to Kokichi and brought him close. "Are you okay?! Did you break something?!" The panic was evident in Shuichi's eyes.

"Awwee~" The smaller cooed in a teasing manner, "Look at Shumaaii caring for me and stuff!" He then let out a giggle and pecked Shuichi on the cheek.
Despite the blush that spread across the detective's face, he forced himself to respond. "K-Kokichi.. This isn't funny, you got hurt..!"

The violette couldn't help but roll his eyes at the other, but he decided to go along with Shuichi's paranoid mind. "Owww! I'm in a lot of paaiiinnn..!" He made some tears fall out of his eyes. "I'll feel better in a little, but I think you should carry me to the computer lab just in case I get hurt more." Kokichi gave the taller a pair of pleading puppy dog eyes.

At this point Shuichi knew that Kokichi was now faking his pain, but he also decided to play alond. "..Alright then." He brought Kokichi into his arms and got up holding him bridal-style. One would assume that he would be struggling to do this, but him carrying Kokichi was a strangely regular occurance in their shared dream. So he barely - if at all - struggled to heave up the 91-pound-leader and walk him to the lab.

"ALRIGHT YA FUCKS!" Miu began.

Oh boy, here we go.

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