Chapter 2; Miu's plan vs Kokichi's plan

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ayo it's ya boi uh
s k i n n y  p e n i s
I also noticed a lot of people who are normally on top of updates didn't read chapter 1, so you should double-check that you did!


Kokichi was a lot of things. Annoying, rude, quick-witted, loud, a liar, and many other things that his classmates never missed a chance to bring up. However, stupid is not one of these things. So, when Miu came up to him rambling about the virtual world the day before, he knew what was going to be happening instantly. There were many ways to cover up a murder, and the blonde bitch was doing none of them. At least, none of them for now.

Kokichi was quick-witted, as mentioned earlier. A very good improviser. He never needed to come up with detailed plans to know what he was going to do. A vague idea was good enough for him. This is also why the night before him and Shuichi were placed into the dream, he had Monokuma convinced to put a motive in Miu's virtual reality. He had no idea how he was going to use this to his advantage, but..
It'll work.

He thought that at the time. Now he and Shuichi were in love, and he was having second thoughts. He hated that. He had a plan from just about the beginning to make the killing stop, and now his beloved had caused him a reason to alter said plan somehow-


The familiar voice had snapped the violette our of his thoughts. "Hm?"

"You seem... distracted..?"
"Just thinking! No need to worry Shumai~!"

They were together in Shuichi's dorm-room. They had some time to spare before they were meant to meet up with Miu in the computer lab she'd been in for the last few days. By 'some time', I mean several hours.

Shuichi sighed, shaking his head a bit. "I thought we had ended all the lying between us; especially when we're in private.." He looked a slight bit sad, his eyes moving down to the floor and his had reaching towards where his hat would be if it were there.
"It has!" Kokichi exclaimed, making Shuichi look back up at him with his hands. "I-It's just... There's something bad going on, y'know?"

The blunette blinked,"You mean besides the fact that we're already trapped in a school being forced to kill our friends."
"Oh.. W-Well.. What's going on then?"

Kokichi went silent. He dipped back into thought.

Kokichi wasn't stupid. He had a very high IQ. One of 162 points, to be exact. But one thing he wasn't good at was emotions. Trust. The very word made him sick to his stomach. Yet he had to ask himself, does he trust Shuichi? His beloved? Would the detective ruin his plan, or help him carry it out?

...Only one way to find out.

"I think Miu's planning on killing me."
"Did I stutter?"

Shuichi sighed, a hir of frustration in the tone of it,"..W-What makes you think that?!"

"She's bad at hiding her murderous intent.. I think her plan involves me in and virtual word. No one would believe me if I told them about that, though, so I had to come up with a plan of my own."

This made the bluenette's eyebrows furrow, and his eyes grew concerned. "Kokichi... Why don't you at least try to tell the others? I'll help if I have to!"
"I can't."
"W-Why not??"
"...I... I can't tell you that, Shumai... It'll ruin my overall plan."

Shuichi tilted his head,"..Your what?"

Kokichi could only sigh, gettting up from his comfy seat on the shitty couch in the dorm, pulling Shuichi along with him as he walked into his own dorm. "You can't tell anyone about any of this. Okay?"

The bluenette nodded. He wouldn't ever give away one of Kokichi's secrets!

Once the door to Kokichi's dorm was opened, Shuichi nearly felt dizzy from the mess. And he wasn't even inside yet!

Kokichi closed the door behind them, rumaging through the piles of what appeared to be garbage before pulling out something that resembled a grenade. A pink grenade, actually. "This is called an Electrobomb." Kokichi activated it, waiting a few moments to make sure that it had taken effect. "It disables any and all electric devices in it's vicinity.. There's definitely cameras here, ones that the mastermind has access to, and I don't want them to hear about this."

The detective was a little nervous. Kokichi seemed highly paranoid about this plan.. Of course, he couldn't really blame him...
"Why do that? What's so important that you don't want it revealed to anyone?!"

"..I have a plan. A plan to end the killing. It's simple; Pretend to be the mastermind, say the game is over, reveal the 'truth of the outside world', no more killing.. There's a plan B in case all goes to shit." Kokichi sighed, knocking his head with his own fist as a way to show some for of annoyance, "But fucking Miu is getting in the way! So instead of telling others, I need them to all think I'm evil and manipulate someone into killing Miu.."

Tear's pooled in Kokichi's eyes; real tears. His fake crocodile tears didn't pool up, they just flooded out. "I-I don't want to, really, b-but... I-I don't know any other way!"

Shuichi sighed, grabbing Kokichi's hand gently and rubbing his palm with his thumb. "Kokichi... It's okay... L-Look, I can even help you with your plan and help you figure out who the real mastermind is..!"

The violette couldn't hold back his grin as he tackled Shuichi to the ground with a hug, smotheing his face in cute tiny little kisses. "THANK YOU!!"
His soulmate chuckled a bit at the overreactively happy reaction. "O-Of course! Anything for you, Kichi.."


what if yall left predictions to this book's ending in the comments?
Nah, jkjk...


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