The Man-Eating Turtle and the Too Clever Fox

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Italics are the character's thoughts

Parentheses and Italics are Jesper

~Nina's POV~ (I bet you didn't see that one coming)

     I was just down in my room, which was probably the nicest room I'd ever stayed in, (except for the Little Palace of course) enjoying some waffles, when a loud thump sounded and the whole ship vibrated. The only reason I was up at all was because I'd seen the plates in the dining room and decided I needed one for my room. I'd just gotten back from "borrowing" the plate and started to enjoy the delicious waffles when the thumps started. As reluctant as I was to leave my waffles - No waffles left behind! (yeah, as long as they're inside your stomach) Jesper, stay in your part of the story! *drags Jesper out of Nina's room* On with the story! that was weird, I thought I heard Jesper... oh well, anyway, I didn't want to leave my babies (you'd eat a baby!?) JESPER!!! (Ouch, okay, okay! fiiine *pouts*) please continue, Nina, back to you. I'm positive I just heard Jesper in here... any who, I was comfy, 

     "No comments from you imaginary Jesper!" but my soldier training from Ravka kicked in and before I knew it, I was racing upstairs to see what all the commotion was. 

     I saw Matthias, probably from his Druskelle training, and Inej were already awake, although Jesper and Wylan were nowhere to be seen. 

     "What's going on!?" I yelled over the sound of the waves crashing on deck. 

     "Not sure! Percy's trying to check it out now!" Inej shouted into my ear, trying to make herself heard, and pointed to where a lone figure was struggling to get to the other side of the deck.

     Then, I realized that three other silhouettes were in the center of the deck before one of them sprinted over to the rails and called something to the other figure, I assumed it was Percy. Percy yelled something to us, but it was snatched by the wind, howling as it tried to tear the ship apart. Then Percy, that idiot, jumped over the side with whatever it was that was thumping into the ship. I know he's a demigod son of Poseidon but that doesn't mean he could survive a storm like this one down there with the whatever it was!!! The first two figures, Nico and Annabeth, were already at the railing as we started struggling over to the other side, trying to figure out what the Ghezen had happened. When we finally got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. Percy was standing on the crest of a giant wave, holding a glowing bronze sword, and attacking a giant turtle that kept snapping it's mouth at him as though it wanted to eat a Percy-sized snack. 

     "What is that!?!?!?" Matthias yelled, I'm pretty sure Druskelle training didn't cover what appeared to be a giant, man-eating turtle. 

     "Percy's half... something's old pet!" Nico yelled. 

     Annabeth was much too busy anxiously watching Percy's battle with the giant turtle.

     "WHAT!?" I yelled, I did NOT expect that

     "LONG story!" Nico yelled back, although he too was watching the battle down below like his life depended on it. 

     The five of us went back to watching the battle below in silence when suddenly, Percy summoned a huge hurricane around himself, battering the turtle with huge waves he'd deflected from the ship. Finally, Percy managed to get around the back of the giant head and, sword gleaming, cut it off with one swing as the turtle vaporized into golden dust. Percy summoned another wave that lifted him onto the deck before fainting from exhaustion. I couldn't blame him, he and Jason had both been up day and night to make the ship go faster and keep it on course. Fighting a giant turtle and using that much power can't have been easy, because if his demigod powers were anything like grisha powers, a normal tide maker probably would've nearly killed himself trying to control all that power. Just then Jason came running onto the main deck from the front of the ship and finally, the waves went back to normal as wind slowly stopped howling. he was carrying a huge bucket of water which he promptly dumped on Percy, drenching him. Percy sat up sheepishly as Annabeth yelled a few words in ancient Greek which I can't repeat before throwing herself on top of him.

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