18. Haunting Past

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"Don't be afraid to go in there and have fun, okay? Don't let those bullies take that away

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"Don't be afraid to go in there and have fun, okay? Don't let those bullies take that away." The Halloween dance was the one thing I had looked forward to during high school, being given the ability to dress as someone or something completely different for a night, rendering you the best night possible. Because you didn't feel so trapped in your own body. Even when things went to hell.

"Thank you again sensei's." Miguel hugged me tightly, before walking into the gymnasium for a night of bliss and contentment with his friends, hoping to all hope that those snot nosed punks didn't ruin it. The kid needs the fun, while Johnny and I are roaming the halls of our old haunt to advertise the dojo in the best way possible.

"I think this could be good Johnny boy. Who wouldn't want to learn from the ultimate master huh?" I elbowed him with a humorous smile to lighten the mood, seeing his toothy grin appear that always had a way of rendering me speechless. We taped posters to the wall for Cobra Kai, hoping the kids would see and be interested in learn the arts, hopefully for defense. But Cobra Kai always had a way of attracted tough kids who simply want to kick ass for fun.

"Yeah well, we need some strong ones who are willing to put in the work, live up to what Cobra Kai stands for." We stared at one another once we got the last poster put on the wall, the bustle and noise of the dance seemingly forgotten from that one gaze. I never really planned on going, except Sam practically begged me to come and chaperone to look over her dad, making sure he didn't snoop so much on her and her fun. Of course, that won't work out well. Daniel won't be moved. Believe me.

"I just........ I just can't believe you're back Nance. I wasn't good to you. I was a drunk asshole who just checked out when things got hard. And I'm sorry." My eyes widened in surprise from the sudden apology leaving his lips, remembering the many things we went through together. But losing our child is what seemed to break us both apart.

"It's okay Lawrence. I'm here now. And I don't have any plans on leaving." I hugged him to me with a warm smile on my lips from the mere feel of his arms around me once more, missing that sensation more than anything.

"Guys, come on. Really? You can't be putting those up around the school. Nance, don't let him drag you back down." Johnny and I slowly pulled apart with a huff of anger leaving his mouth upon the voice of Daniel breaking up the moment we just shared. That we needed. For clarity.

"Daniel, it's okay. There's no harm in giving these kids options. The dojo isn't what it used to be when we were teens. Alright?" Things had been completely weird between us since that night at Cobra Kai. The show down that was exactly like the day Daniel and I walked right into Cobra Kai for the first time to check out the competition.

"Just, don't do that around this school okay? Go ahead and go home. Both of you." His eyes darted between us frantically, angry himself from the notion that Cobra Kai really was back in all of our lives. Like something you can't escape. But Kreese isn't here anymore. He won't corrupt anymore kids into the no mercy way. Because I would never allow it to happen.

"LaRusso, calm down okay? Besides, I think you have other things to worry about. Like your daughter sneaking off with that punk." My eyes traveled to what exactly Johnny was talking about, seeing Sam running off with that kid who caused the most problems for Miguel. And Daniel was seeing red. He was furious.

"Just..... leave. Okay?" I rolled my eyes with a huff of anger, feeling it seething in my bones from this silly little rivalry that never seems to end. We aren't kids anymore. It's time to grow up. But some of us clearly never did. Maybe we all didn't.

"Don't listen to Daniel alright? It will be okay. The dojo will thrive." I looked around the halls of the school and couldn't get over how much it had changed, but at the same time, not at all. So many memories lingered around every corner that sometimes, it was suffocating.

"Is he always that nice?" I smiled with a little chuckle escaping my lips, seeing the glint of the old Johnny shining brightly in his blue eyes. The humor he always had when it came to messing with Daniel. Even my family could never understand just how big their rivalry was. And still seems to be.

"Hey you little punk! Watch yourself!" Sudden commotion came from around the corner that we weren't expecting, when I heard Miguel's voice echoing throughout the halls and immediately ran towards the sound, when we noticed the group of kids that I found to be Kyler, the main one of the group who Sam seems to like, exiting the boys changing room with looks of satisfaction upon their faces.

"Oh no......" I flung the door open with all my might once the left the scene, and the sight before me was a glimpse into the past that never seemed to fade. The rage within me seemed to take over at the sight of Miguel on the hard ground in pain from what happened within these walls mere moments ago. And I knew that this, was about to be a never ending cycle. The past was threatening to repeat itself.

"Miguel! Are you okay sweetheart?!" I dropped to the ground to help him, seeing exactly what was wrong and just saw the look in his eyes. He was over it. Tired. And in pain. I hated it. I hated seeing this happening in the new age. I looked to Johnny with such a look, even seeing the worry in his eyes that I knew to be true. We have to do something. This, is war.

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