Sugar, Spice, and a Dash of Roast a Bitch

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  Sitting at lunch by myself since Suki was absent for a doctor's appointment, I ripped open a bag of chips I had stashed away in my jacket sleeve. Along with the love of snacks, I had learned numerous ways of hiding them on my person. I heard giggling behind me before someone rammed into my back as a food tray hit the back of my head.

  "Oops! Sorry, didn't see you there, Randy." The girl that had hit me feigned innocence while twisting the nickname Suki had given me. Silently glaring at her, I wasn't shocked to see it was the resident asshole that liked to make others' lives Hell. She giggled again while looking me up and down. "My, Randy, how are you wearing those horrid pants? And that jacket? I think you need to stop stealing from your brother's closet."

  "And I think you should fuck off and mind your own damn business. Maybe also try thinking about your own fashion choices before judging mine. We all know you stuff, Chiaki. Your trail of tissues gave it away."

  "What did you say, bitch?!"

  "You heard me." I honestly wasn't in the mood to just take this girl's shit. Suki was usually the one to de-escalate, but without her here, no one could stop me. "So why don't you mosey on and find another Kleenex box to empty out?"

  "Why you little-" She cut herself off when I stood up and looked down at her with an angry glare.

  "Suki isn't here to save you, so just fuck off before you piss me off more."

  "Chi-Chiaki...." Another girl spoke up while tugging on the back of Chiaki's shirt. "Let's just go."


  After school, I headed for the sweets shop. The bell on the door jingled when I opened it, and the familiar scent of all the sweets put a small smile on my face. A person with a sweet tooth could be in Heaven here.

  I bought a small cake and thanked the woman at the register before finding an available table to eat at. I sat down next to a window to enjoy the warm sunlight and took a bite of the cake.

  "Oh, that's so good." I groaned while grinning like an idiot. The cake was practically melting on my tongue and was so soft. When I was about halfway through the delicious cake, someone sat down in front of me. "'Sup, Kabe." He looked at me with that expression he seemed to always have.

  "That's not my name...." His tone sounded as if he didn't actually care while his tired-looking eyes were only half-open. "And you still owe me."

  "Fine, have some of this." I pushed my cake toward him, and he glanced at it.

  "You sure?"

  "Yeah, if I want more, I'll go buy more." I said before standing up. "Actually, you can have the rest of that. I'm gonna get more." His eyes kind of lit up when he turned his attention to the cake.

  Coming back to the table after buying a second one, the giant had somehow already inhaled what was left of the cake.

  "Hey....what's your name?" He droned as I stabbed the little fork into my cake.

  "Suki likes to call me Candy, so you can just use that."

  "....Candy?" I felt my ears heat up with slight embarrassment.

  "Yeah, uh....she says I'm hard on the outside and soft on the candy." I explained.



  For nearly two weeks in a row, I'd go to the sweets shop, and Atsushi would be there, seemingly waiting for me to buy us sweets to eat at that window table. Suki would walk with me there but would continue on home since she was still rather intimidated by the giant. However, she wanted to make sure I at least got to the shop.

  Today, though, I got to the shop first and sat down at the usual table with a candy bar. Watching people pass on the sidewalk and cars going by, I nibbled on the bar.

  "Candy, look what I found." I looked up to see Atsushi walking over before he set down a bag on the table. He began digging through the bag before pulling out snacks, then pushed a bag of beef jerky in front of me. "You said you liked this, right?"

  "Aw, you're so nice, Kabe!" I grinned while hugging the bag like a dork. "As thanks, you can have a bite of my candy bar." Holding the said treat over the table, I made a face. "You should be honored, I don't usually share."

  "Eh? But you share with me." He leaned forward and took a bite from the offered bar.

  "Only because you get me snacks, too."

  "Hmm...." He hummed while picking up a bag of chips. Watching the giant, I saw more of his lavender hair fall into his face as he looked down at the chip bag.

  "Hey, why do you keep coming here?" I asked, and Atsushi glanced up at me with a chip sticking out of his mouth. "I mean, I've never seen you here before. What made you start coming here?"

  "....I....don't know." He lazily replied. It looked as if he wanted to say more, but another boy with a matching jersey jacket came over.

  "So this is where you've been sneaking off to. Coach isn't happy with you missing practice, you know." He said while looking at Atsushi with his fists on his hips. The boy had black hair and rich, dark eyes with half of his face covered by his bangs.

  "Oh." Atsushi ate another chip but the look in his eyes changed.

  "So you're from Yosen, too?" I questioned, and the boy looked at me with a smile.

  "Yes. And who might you be?"

  "That's Candy. Let's go." Atsushi stood up and gathered his things, and if my eyes weren't mistaken, he shot the boy a dark look. Did they not really get along?

  "Well, it was nice meeting you, Candy." He politely waved before the two both left. 'What the Hell just happened?' I thought while watching them go. 'Has he really been missing practice?'

  I decided to leave shortly after and pulled out my skateboard to ride home. I lazily rolled down the sidewalk while thinking about what I'd just seen. Did Atsushi not like that other guy? Or was he just upset about his snack being interrupted?

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